Two years ago, on 30th April 2005, I first sent 'Captain Picard's Journal' to my intern in the 21st Century, starting with Waking Up
The last 12 months have been as eventful as the first, such as meeting a parallel universe version on Beverly in Captain Beverly (Part One)

a weird race help up by string in Stringworld (Part One)

and a group of characters who came to the Enterprise when the barrier between the real and unreal world started falling apart in The Reality Barrier(Part One)

Bev's son, who seems to save the ship, when he's on board (although he might be the cause!) has got problems of his own, as he has an amazonian girlfriend (Karena)

from the planet Wondawowman whom he needs to serve, seen in Wesley's Girlfriend and other stories.
The Enterprise has some additional staff, notably Seven Of Nine,

who has been placed on the ship by the Borg Queen to study human methods. She was first seen in Seven Of Nine (Part One) .
Also on board is the self-aware hologram Vic Fontaine.

He is a nightclub singer who performs in The Sands, a holodeck set up for the crew to visit. He is in Vic Fontaine .
Lastly, we have the troublesome Ensign Britney from the planet Delta.

who seems to spend most of her time in the brig!
My Journal, though used by myself seems to have been used by all crew members, and also others like Karena, and The Borg Queen. Look in the Categories in my Sidebar for a list of their writings, or stories that involve them primarily.
Author's Note:
Thanks to each and every one of you for reading my Journal. It's encouraged me to keep on going with this. Your comments, together with my Awards for beings one of the Blogger 'Blogs Of Note' and Yahoo 'Pick Of The Day' (April 20th 2007) spur me even more.
To meet such a fine group is a big plus in itself, many I've known for as long as the Journal has been running. Nic is a very dear blogfriend, as is Ciera . Many others are new friends, such as Mistress Of The Dark , Table For Five and Tricia, some of which have helped me with HTML problems. I'm sorry I can't list everyone, but each on my bloglist is a friend. They are not just there to fill the screen!
Just as a bonus, here, from Syari is a singing session by Captain Picard. Be prepared! You haven't seen anything like it...
Here's to the next twelve months. I hope you enjoy whatever will come this way.
Ensign Britney is from planet nowhere!
JL, you can get into Michele's site through this link:
You will have to start an account and choose her site as one of your faves.
Captain it is such a joy to be able to read your posts! Congrats on the blogversary!!!!may there be many more!
cheers and hugs
Congrats on this 2-year milestone!!
Now that I know what it is (wink wink!), happy bloggaverysary!
You've got an outstanding blog here -- interesting to both trekkies and non-trekkies -- just pure fun. That's why I keep coming back. I love to be entertained. Keep up the good work, and I'm looking forward to seeing what adventures you come up with over the next year!
Miss T
P.S. Please tell Ensign Brittney that I was trashy when trashy wasn't cool. Heh heh.
Happy Blogaversary!
I enjoyed the post since as a new reader I may have missed some important facts from the past year.
May you have many more adventures the years to come.
Congratulations Captain...
Happy Blogaversary! BTW, you won my caption contest, and as such, you won a pimped-out banner linking here.
Great job, and may you have many more blogaversaries!
Happy blogiversary - may you have many more!
btw - Patrick Stewart cracks me up, he's brilliant.
Happy Blogaversary!
2 very creative years!! In August I'll be celebrating 5 years I think :)
Hi Jean-Luc...is that what you do when you have the Enterprise all to yourself?! Sir, your singing is quite possibly as entertaining as your Journal! Happy Blogaversary Captain!
If you have Window's Media Player, you should be able to hear it. Of course it depends on the time there as well. My show airs at 2pm on thursdays. Here is the link if you'd like more info: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hostpage.aspx?show_id=20360
Thank you for visiting my blog again. :)
wow, two years? i've only been around since july! great going captain. one suggestion? there could be more chocolate discussions. you know. to hold my attention! ha ha ha ha...
smiles and congratulations, bee
Happy anniversary, Captain! Thanks for the great song too!
BTW Stringworld was one of my favorite posts!
I didn't realize you could dance!
Seriously, I'm very impressed with your blog. It's difficult to keep going on a blog, and I can only imagine it's harder because you're writing in character.
Way to go! 2 years is a big deal, and I hope you want to keep it up :-)
Sorry, that was me. I double posted. I was just THAT EXCITED to wish you a happy 2nd blogiversary!
Congratulations on two years! You have consistently been one of my favorites from the first time I came here. Keep up the great work!
Congratulations on the Blogiversary!
And that video -- that was -- that was -- well, no one can ever replace the Singing Shatner... but that came uncomfortably close....
Live long and prosper.
Thanks everybody for those well wishes!
It was good to have them from you all.
Bee, I'll have to make sure there is lots of chocolate available.
Kenju, Michele's blog is working again. She said she had some major trouble with it on Sunday.
Well, thanks for popping by. I have been meaning to leave a comment for quite some time. So sorry it took so long to get back to ya. This is a really cool blog.I have been away, and am taking the time to respond to everyone now that I am home. Cheers for a great week!!
Captain - you have a lovely voice? Ever consider going into acting?
Thanks for the daily laugh!
Happy Bogaversary Captain! Hope to see many more.
Captain, where has the time flown by?
congrats on your 2nd anniversary!!!
My dearest Jean-Juc, it is with great joy that I celebrate your 2nd blogaversary. I missed my own in March and by the time I realized it I thought, eh, who cares. LOL! I think I first stumbled upon you within a month of you having this blog. I am glad that you are still entertaining us 2 years later! You're a wonderful friend. :)
Happy 2nd Blogaversary and best wishes as you head warp speed towards #3! Nice to see that it was cause for a song and dance - can't wait to see what the next year brings!
Congrats on two, JL and may your proverbial pen be always full of ink and your head always full of good stories.
Awesome and beautiful thematic blog you got there jean luc picard! I can imagine the amount of work keeping this baby entails as well as the creative juices. Must be fun to keep this labour of love up....
Incidentall I came across your blog from comments on my good friend eastcoastlife's blog. ;)
*thunderous applause*
Well done on your second anniversary, Captain.
Congratulations, Captain!! Yours is one of the most enjoyable blogs I've ever read, and I lift a cup of Earl Grey in the hope that you continue on for years to come.
Congratulations Jean-Luc with the second!
I may not comment often, but I read the stories and enjoy them a lot.
Nice video. Very ... Maurice Chevalier of him.
All my good friends...thank you for the lovely things you have said. I feel honoured to receive them.
As Cool Insider said, it is a labour of love.
It's a pleasure to know you all.
I'm a little late, as usual, but I wanted to offer my congrats as well! That is until I saw that video...what was that???lol
Well Captain that's quite a feat I think to regularly post over 2 years about various subjects. Well at least Ensign Britney isn't from planet "Airhead" where the all look good but unless it's a Platinum Credit all the way and your don't mind you IQ slipping by the second you'd be fine.
Although I'd try and not go there as no doubt 'Q' might make an appearance although that might be funny Q with an average IQ and no powers...
Congratulations on 2 years ... wow, what an achievement. Here's to another 2 ...
Take care, Meow
Sorry I missed it!
Happy blogerversary!
Happy Blogniversary, Capt! Great re-cap.
Happy 2nd Blogaversary!!! Captain Picard.
May you have more blogaversaries in the years to come.
Bonne blogiversaire, Capitaine!
CONGRATULATIONS> on your 2nd Blogaversary Captain!
You've accomplished what not many have done~ Bravo! Your story lines just get better with each posting~ keep up the good work!
So happy to be one of your long-time friends!
Hugs~ Autumn
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