Authors Note: This is my 400th post; it all started on 30th April 2005, and ever since then, the Enterprise has been trawling through space encountering all sorts of people and problems.
To celebrate this event, we will have an imaginary story, away from the regular sphere of things.
On 15th March, I was asked to name five bloggers who I would take along on a desert island. Those I chose were: Ciera Nic Miss Cellania Nurse Ratched and Secret Squirrel
Ciera is a friend who I've really got to know in the time I've had my Journal. Nic is one of my closest blogfriends. She and I must write in tandem as she is celebrating her 400th post as well. Say congrats to her as well!
In the imaginary story that follows, Captain Picard and the above are stranded on the island....
"Well don't look at me" said Secret Squirrel, "I haven't a clue what to do!"
"I thought you might have a few suggestions" I asked her, "You seem a very practical person."
"Hardly!" she replied with a hint of sarcasm. Everyone seemed to be looking towards me.
"You're the Captain." Ciera reminded me, "You are supposed to get us off this island."
I noticed that I had a cut finger; this must have occured when we arrived. I indicated this to Nurse Ratched. She sighed and put a band-aid on it.
"You big baby!" she commented quietly.
I groaned. This wouldn't have happened had Beverly been here with me.
"So what are we going to do?" asked Nic, "We have no food and water. There's hardly going to be a McDonald's here."
"Why not?" replied Miss Cellania with a laugh, "They are everywhere else."
Ciera walked up to me and led me away from the others.
"Look, Jean-Luc" she said quietly, "The rest of the women are looking to you for leadership. You need to give them tasks."
I agreed, and went back to them.
"Ladies." I started, "If we want to get off the island, we are each going to have to work. Nurse Ratched, you will be looking after medical supplies, Squirrel, you will collect any debris or items we need, Nic, you set up camp with anything they pick, Ciera, you can hunt for food, and Miss.."
"Can I be the Morale Officer?" jumped in Miss Cellania, "This duck goes into a bar and..."
"No." I reply quickly, "Perhaps after we've set up camp; you can help Ciera with the hunting."
"What are YOU going to be doing, Captain?" asks Nurse Ratched sharply.
"Err.." I reply, "I shall be overseeing and co-ordinating the operation from a central viewpoint to make sure it has an optimum effect."
"In other words, nothing" says Nic quietly to Ciera. Everybody laughs.
"Just before you go." Miss Cellania pipes up, "Three women apply for a job, a brunette, a redhead and a blonde..."
"Later!" I tell her.
After a few hours, the women start returning.
"I've assessed all the medical equipment we have." says Nurse Ratched, "We have six band-aids and one bandage. Try not to hurt your finger again."
"There are a few planks of wood." Squirrel lets us know, "We might be able to build a small raft, or a good camp. We found an old axe, so we can chop trees as well."
"That looks great." comments Nic, "We should do really well once those trees are chopped."
Why is she looking at me?
Ciera and Miss Cellania run back excitedly.
"There's someone else on this island!" Ciera mentions almost breathlessly.
"Yes" continues Miss Cellania, "It looks like there are Others on the island. A whole group!"
"Where are The Others?" asks Nic.
"I think they heard us." Ciera tells us, "They could be coming this way."
"Stand by to defend yourselves!" I say, "We don't know how hostile they may be."
We hear the forest twigs cracking, and a group of figures emerge from the trees.

Now I KNOW we are Lost!
I'd like to thank everyone who has visited my Journal over the last 400 posts, those who have commented, especially those in my bloglist. Besides the above, they are: Tammy Linda A True Jersey Girl Bernard Chan Better Safe Than Sorry Black Widow Dari Donovan Craziequeen Curmudgeon Darth Nepharia Dragonflyfilly Eastcoastlife Ellee Seymour Empress Bee Erifia Apoc Fickin Chingers Five Minutes For Mom Florence Friday's Child Heather Nicole InterstellarLass Is Anything Truly Random? Jaime H Jana Jen's Horde Jim McKee Jon, Intergalactic Gladiator J Ranae Oneida Kellyology Lady Wyntir Lahdeedah Lois Lane Lori Mimi Meow Merlyn Gabriel Michele Minerva Mistress Of The Dark Mrs Mogul Nettie Nightingale Osquer Padme Amidala Pantha Panthergirl Paperback Writer Petite Anglaise Petroville Professor Xavier Raehan Ribbiticus SciFiChick Shelley Siskenyon Sqt Summer Dawn O'Ciardha Table For Five Susan Tara Lynn Johnson Terminatrix Titania Starlight TNChick Trying To Catch Up Vampirella Windwhisperer
Congratulation, Captain, your 400th! May you boldly go to your 500th and encounter new adventurous beginnings! Keep up the nice stories. A pleasure to read.
My dearest Captain, what an honor to be stranded on an island with you. LOL!
I think we may have been close on celebrating our 200 and 300th posts (respectively) as well. (GMTA)Great minds think alike right?!
You're one of my top 5 blog friends I would be stranded on an island with as well.
Here's to the next 100 posts. Salud - Sliante - Cheers!
Captain, Many congratulations on your 400th post, the fact that you have sustained such a high readership over a long time is a testamont to the quality of your site. I know I feel loyal to you and I appreciate your support of my site too.
It won't be long before the 500th post arrives...
"I shall be overseeing and co-ordinating the operation from a central viewpoint to make sure it has an optimum effect."
I totally plan to use this line at the next available opportunity!
I'd love to be stranded on an island with you, Jean-Luc, but don't tell me husband. I'll bring a bottle of wine and the bandaids;-)
Thank you for including me in your story and congrats on your 400th post!
Congratulations, Captain -- looking forward to the next 400....
Congratulations on 400!! May you have many more posts!
Congrats, JLP! You don't look a day over 399 posts! :-)
Delightful story! And a great punch line. I'm proud to have been part of it. Congratulations on 400 episodes... I mean, posts!
Congrats on #400! I'm looking forward to the next 400!
Congratulation Jean on getting to the golorious 400th post! Though I do hope you don't get any copyright infringement case on your back, look at all the trouble youtube got because it had "Lost".
Just kidding, but best of luck!
Hey thanks for visiting me, hubby will be jealous I have been visted by Jean-Luc Picard ;)))
I see you over at Bonnie's every once in awhile also .
400 that is a lot of words.....
Dear Captain, it has been an honor and a privilege to be on this voyage with you...I look forward to more adventures to come. Congratulations on this personal milestone, and thanks for the acknowledgment. You are in a class all your own in this blogging Universe of ours...
Maybe Wesley can save you.
Congrats on 400. Here's to 400 more.
Congrats! Thanks for post after post of great entertainment!
Congratulations on this major milestone and I'm sure you're already ahead Warp Factor 8 towards 400 more great posts!
Word of advice, though? Get off that island quickly - very, very quickly!
Happy 400th post!
Yay!!! Congrats on your hard work! I enjoyed your story greatly. You are a very talented writer.
Congratulations, oh venerable blogger. :-)
400! 400!
Miss T
Ah, crap! I didn't make it onto the list?! Ah well...
Good story! And, above all, happy 400th!!
I always think I'll start doing something si Then I come and read your posts, and I think, I don't think I could do that.
Which is why I love your blog so much!
You have a way with words....
....now... could you come on over and finish this 8 page critical analysis of stories in the media recently, and their treatment by different networks and media outlets?
It's due tomorrow :)
many many congratulations captain!!!!
it has been a pleasure to hang out in your world!!!!
posting from germany this morning!
xxxxs and ooos
Congratulations on your 400th post ... and I get mentioned. hehehe.... so sweet of you!
Congratulations. I came by way of Curmudgeon's blog. I enjoyed your fanciful story very much.
Congrats, Captain! Here's hoping you have 400 more posts :)
Congratulations on post number 400!
Happy 400!!! I send you 400 go go girls from Planet Xenon!
Congratulations Jean-Luc
I've loved each post, and yes once I found you I did go back and read each one!
Here is to the next 400!
*raises mug of coffee*
(sorry it's a day late, it's the "Bank Holiday Monday I'm a day out" time of year again!)
WTG on the 400th. Zip me an email to darianadonovan@gmail and as soon as possible, I will send you an invite to Joost! Sorry I am just seeing that you would like to be a Jooster!
Thank you so, so much for the wonderful plaudits I've had. You are a great group of people!
Nic, Ciera, Nurse Ratched, Miss Cellania and Secret Squirrel, it was a pleasure to have you five in a one-off imaginary story.
It's everyone who reads my Journal that gives me inspiration!
Yay - 400!!
Many congrats - here's to MANY more!
Hope you are enjoying your party, and behaving yourself!
What a wonderful 400th! Such a delight-thank you Captain. The next 400 should be great fun : )
Biggest Congratulations! May the Federation continue indefinately!
Congratulations on your 400th post!
Many happy returns of the day Cap'n. Tho' I haven't commented in a while, I salute you.
well done and congratulations on your 400th post, I'm yet to reach 100!
I'm a bit worried about you on that island though....I hope the Enterprise will be by to beam you up soon because otherwise....
I hope you had a happy Easter too.
glad to know you'd want me along!
I do hope you continue this story...I want to know how we get rescued {please don't let it be Wesley!}
The WASP spray has finally worked, I turned into a ENTP. Q also shares this personality type, which I think in itself creates a distaste for T. At any rate captain, I have inseminated myself in the female in the picture of the Others. I'll be catching up on my T V therefor becoming more omniscient than I already am. You will be seeing me soon.
400 posts! How time has flown. May you and your crew continue to boldly post what no man has posted before!
Happy 400th!!
Wonderful to hear from you all.
Florence, Ciera, as I said above, it was just a one-off imaginary story, out of the sphere of usual writings.
Congrats on your 400th post. That is truly amazing. You earned that THINKING BLOGGERS AWARD awarded to you by the Electronic Village last month.
I look forward to reading your creativity for the next 400 posts!
Happy 400th post! That is quite an accomplishment.
Michele sent me,
I love LOST!
Congratulations, 400 posts is quite a feat!
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