The two of us had gone undercover on the Klingon homeworld to find the names of those who wanted to threaten the treaty between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. We knew that Morbus was the leader, but we didn't know many others.
We went in, me wearing a cloak, assuming the names of two who had been in prison. What we didn't know is that they had escaped and were already in the meeting!
That's communication for you. If we had more up to date news, none of this would have happened, we would have got away, and I would be drinking Earl Grey tonight.
Now it looks like I can say goodbye to tea...and everything else.
"So" said Morbus, "You have tried to infiltrate our Cause. You must be pro-Federation Klingons, which means you shall suffer a long, lingering end."
He doesn't make it sound pleasant, does he?
"This one." a minion of his said, pointing to Worf, "He looks familiar. He might be the traitor Worf who defected from the Empire to serve on a Starfleet vessel."
Gasps of astonishment are heard from the Klingons. They are an ugly lot, and I was referring to their mood, not their appearance. Shouts ring out with all manner of grisly devices to inflict on Worf, mostly which are sharp and very painful.
Worf does not bat an eyelid.
"It is a good day to die." he declares without any emotion.
How does Worf say that? I'm quaking here.
"What about the other one." shouts another in the meeting, "Let's see who he is."
The cloak is revealed, and the rebels see me.

There is a stunned look from all the rebels as they recoil in horror at what they see.
"He's got Cheapmakeuponitis!!" yells out one Klingon, "Run before we catch it!"
Morbus tries to control them all, as the faction run in all directions, like a D'Vornak Rooster with four of his legs cut off. However, he is looking worried as well.
Mayhem increases as they head for the exits; I run after them, which only gets them more frantic.
Outside, they are greeted by Security Officers from the Enterprise, who have been secretly tracking us, together with Klingon High Council guards.
Morbus and his group are rounded up, and look relieved to be taken away from me.
Later, on the Enterprise, I have the outfit off, and look like my normal self again.
"Tell me, Mr Worf." I ask him, "Why are Klingons so terrified of this disease?"
Worf hesitates; haltingly be begins to speak.
"It was a dark time of the Klingon Empire, sir." he says, "Cheapmakeuponitis appeared in the 23rd Century. It came on a mysterious planet on the outer rim of the galaxy where the boulders were made of papier mache. It took many years to erase this disease from the Empire and return to our normal selves. Whenever the Klingons do a sensor sweep of a planet, we check to see if it has paper mache. The whole period was a great time of shame in our history, as many of our distinctive features had been erased from some families. They were ostracised."
"Err...I see." I reply.
"Please do not speak of this to anyone else, Captain." says Worf, "We want it purged from our history."
It's interesting what will terrify a Klingon!
Author' Note:
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Captain Picard

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Planets with papier mache boulders?
From what I remember about TOS there must have been a lot of those in the 23rd Century....
Oh -- and I'll give this Favorites thing a try... give me a little while to get organized, though....
Yeah, I'm sure that there were a lot of places infected by that virus. Buck Rogers vistied some places with it, Commander Koenig was infected, the Space Family Robinson definitely had it.
Dear Captain Picard,
I have favorited your blog and linked you up in my original post.
Thanks for participating in the exchange! :)
Looks good to me! Thanks for playing along!
Oh tears of laughter here!
Well thank goodness something scares Klingons or you and Mr. Worf would be history at this point!
Yay for Cheapmakeuponitis! It had to come in handy at some point!
That Cheapmakeuponitis is pretty darn funny.
You can always bring tribbles with you, too, Captain.
Glad you made it back safely.
I was worried about Worf and Jean-Luc. Glad the Klingons have an Achilles Heel.
Captain Picard,
Done your tag and favorited you! hehe...
Perhaps the Romulans can scare the Klingons with Cheapmakeuponitis...or did they have it themselves in TOS?
Thanks everybody who is participating in the Favourites Train!
I'm going to have to try this Technorati favorites thing. But first, I have to eat lunch. Michele sent me. Hope you are having a wonderful Friday so far!
I have seen a lot of Cheapmakeuponitis at Walmart. It is indeed a terrifying disease.
LMAO: Cheapmakeuponitis. Adding to my Self Dictionary right *now*. Michele sent me, btw.
Hey Mon Kapitano,
thanks for doing that favour for me. 24 minutes and counting down before i am "timed out" of the Blogoshpere and cyber space for that matter.
Cannot tarry,
chat soon,
luv etc,
don't even have time to read your Post. oh well,
Hi I have added you in my technorati fav list and you can add me from this link
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Thanks .
Hi Jean-Luc! I just wanted to give you some happy news. I have selected you to recieve the Thinking BLogger Award. Please see my post. Congrats!
A pretty good story. Thanks, NG is certainly one of my favorite shows and the mrs. uses it to sleep at night, also remembering the story line. Will check out the technorati thingy mabob out.
Hello There,
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I, like most of the people here, am especially enamored with the thought of papier mache boulders.
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hi there,
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Hello my friend, I just finished Faving your Blog.
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I Have the "Share the Power of Technorati Favs" setup too, by Mr. Gary Lee !
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This is a Great Experiment, it'z Working !!!******
Thank you my Friend !!!******
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