Do you have any tattoos? What are they? If you haven't and were tempted to have one, what would they be?
My answer is:
I don't have any, but I must admit I've always been tempted. Lots of colour would be very important, to make it unique, perhaps a snake or butterfly.
Now it's over to you...
But before you go..
Welcome to all those new visitors who have come from Yahoo Picks where Yahoo has chose me as their Blog of the Day for 20th April. Hope you'll put a comment and visit again in the future.
My friend Titania Starlight has kindly awarded me with a Thinking Blog

I am supposed to pass this and award 5 on my list, but it seems most already have it! Apologies if you haven't, as I can't be sure who has!
And also.....
Don't forget the Technorati Faves Train! It's still waiting for you in the post below...
I have to admit I have no tattoos, and have never been tempted. If I had to, it would be somewhere really discreet like the top of my thigh. Something very tasteful, maybe Celtic.
I forgot to say, Michele sent me.
I don't have any tattoos, but if I were to get one, it would probably be a little black cat paw print (aren't I predictable !!).
Hope all is well in your world.
Take care, Meow
BTW, congrats on the blogger's choice awards nominations.
I don't have any tattoos. I have friends though that have oodles of them. I wouldn't be able to make my mind up as to what I'd want so a permanent tattoo would not work at all!
Here via Michele today.
Oh Jean-Luc this question is just for me!!!
I'd love a tattoo on my wrist, the right one. Just a few leaves a with a vine, like a bracelet. I think I'd have it just one colour.
But ah the courage, that is another thing .........
No tattoos and no desire to have any...I'm not one for inflicting pain on myself. It was a challenge to get my ears pierced.
Does Dr. Beverly Crusher need another nurse ? Please lock me in and beam me up into the USS Enterprise if she does and with your permission.
Hey Captain! Way to go on being selected by Yahoo Picks. It's an absolutely well deserved honor, and I'm proud to e-known you.
Your question is a good one. I've always wanted to have a small tattoo in an unobtrusive place. Perhaps on my ankle. It stems from my years as a lifeguard. Many of my colleagues emulated the stars of Canada's national swim team by getting small maple leaf images or Olympic rings or dolphins.
I never had the guts - needles, y'know - and eventually forgot about it. These days, I'm still game, but now I donate blood plasma every week. And if I got a tattoo, the rules stipulate that I'd be banned from donating for a whole year.
So that takes care of that, I guess. Someone else will have to do the leaf thing on my behalf.
As always, it's a joy to read you. I hope this honor brings many more readers into the fold.
I don't have any tattoos although if I did I always wanted wolf paw prints somewhere...
Or the Imperial symbol on my arm.
I do have a belly button piercing which I did long before it was fashionable.
have a great weekend!!
No tatts on me. I've seen a lot of cool ones but I think even Angelina Jolie is going to look weird when she's 70 and has all these old tattoos on her.
Nice blog post! Thanks for intesting info! More Alfa Romeo can be found at
Hey Captain,
I don't have any tatoos. Too much of a wimp. I've been a daily reader of your blog since the Ultimate Blog party. Love your site.
No tats for me either. Congratulations for being Yahoo's blog of the week!
Happy weekend!
congrats on yahoo picks!!!
i don't have any nor do i have any desire to, guess i'm too old, cuz i just don't understand the appeal.
Ah yahoo blog of the week badge has appeared.
Well done Jean-Luc
Thanks for stopping by and congrats on being picked by Yahoo!!
No tats here either...I once thought about getting a chain of fish or dolphins around my ankle and then started to think about the needle hitting the bone by my ankle and that was pretty much the end of that...
Wow - am I the first to say that I do have tattoos? Two of them as a matter of fact - an Eeyore with a four-leaf clover in his mouth on my right calf and a very small purple and pink elephant above my left breast that very, very few people have ever seen!
I got the first one shortly after my divorce from my second husband because he had always told me that over his dead body would I ever get a tattoo. He wasn't dead but he was gone so I considered that good enough! As for the second one, it was a spontaneous birthday present from my very best friend in the world!
No tattoos, and there'll probably never be any.....if I were forced to, I'd probably get a blue butterfly on my left shoulder.
I would get a tatoo of a falcon.
Congratulations on being a Yahoo pick - how marvalous is that?
I'm not a tattoo person either. It seems a bit stupid to me. Why do it?
Hi Jean-Luc!
Congrats on Blog of the Day for the 20th of April. They made a good choice to be sure!
As for tattoos I don't have any. I've always wanted to but then I keep picturing myself at 80 and what it might look like. YUCK! So, I'll stick with henna. Hee hee.
I have no tattoos but my hubby has plenty. An Indian princess with a coyote and wolf at her feet. (Right arm) On the left is a bear with an eagle flying over.
On his chest is black panther in the middle and to the rightis Taz and to the left is an Indian chief. He wants a totem pole on his back next.
I have no tattoos but would get a raven and a wolf. My animal totems. Or a lotus with a dove above it. I can't make up my mind. I'll probably not get any since I'm a chicken. :o)~
None for me, but Congratulations on being honored for such a great Blog!
A Yahoo pick is a great big deal! Congratulations!
No tattoos here... I figured life has enough pain without paying for more.
I don't have tattoo. I don't have any idea on what tattoo I would like to have if ever I would get one as I really never had plans of having one.
Thanks for the visit.
no tattoos, never had a desire or been so drunk as to want to get one. Congratulations on being yahoo's pick & Michele says hi
Thanks everyone for their congrats.
Picking the tattoo is one of the biggest problems, if not the pain. Titania's hubby's tattoo of the Indian princess with a coyote and wolf sound good.
You have a good one, Linda.
The others thoughts of what they would have if they went through with it is very varied and fascinating.
No tattoos, although interested. But which one to choose? Would I get bored with it and how will it look like when I'm old? Where will I put it? How much will it hurt? Too many questions to answer.
Interesting to read all the other comments.
And, following the others, congrats, Jean-Luc!
I don't have a tattoo. If I ever do, it will be a scorpion, as I'm a Scorpio. I'd probably have it either on my back or on my right arm.
I don't have any tats, Captain, nor have I ever wanted one.
Contratulations on the Yahoo pick. That's great! Michele sent me to see you.
Congrats Jean-Luc!
I don't and I won't. I think one's skin is precious -it is one's largest organ after all and to deface it seems wrong. I don't find it in the least attractive as I always associate it with Popeye - like old sailors. I still feel guilty at having my ears pierced.
Fortunately - so far- none of the children or grand-children have succumbed. Heaven forfend!
Got so carried away - Michele sent me!
I have 2. One is a Celtic cross with the words, "Tiocfaidh ár Lá" above it and the other is a barcode of my SS#.
Michele sent me to say Hi!
I would totally get the Firefox logo tattooed across my back.
I don't have any tattoos, but my youngest daughter has enough tattoos on her body for the entire family. I think she got them just to upset me. It worked!
I don't have any tattoos...yet. I've commissioned a friend of mine to do a drawing for me of a dragon reading a book.
I want a tattoo under my right collarbone with my nephews' names. I'm not sure of the design exactly- it depends what my sister names the second one- but I want it to incorporate stars and be winding around and really pretty.
I want a tattoo of a dragon from the right side of my back to the front of my right chest. I saw this tattoo in a movie. It simply blew me away. I would have done if not for the pain and hours and hours of it. Yikes!
Congratulations on your Thinking Blogger Award. It certainly feels great to be admired by your readers.
I don't have a permanent tattoo. The closest thing I've had to it is a butterfly henna tattoo I got at the beach on one of my vacations. I also had a wrist henna tattoo that resembled a bracelet before. Henna tattoo usually lasts for 2 weeks.
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