This chocolate-mad Betazoid always goes for the extra-yummy GigaEgg.
"The ship has stopped." says Data, just as I am bringing in the bag of eggs, with Deanna already in pole position to grab the big egg.
"What is the reason, Mr Data." I ask.
"It would seem that a few vital components have gone missing from Engineering" he replies.
Suddenly there is a flash and I notice our uniforms have changed; we are all wearing yellow rabbit costumes. There is only one answer to this.
"Q!!!" I shout.

"You called, Jean-Luc?" Q answers as he appears, "My, oh, my, Starfleet uniforms do appear to have changed. Do you think you will charm you enemies wearing those?"
"You're responsible for these aren't you?" I reply angrily.
"Oh, go on, Jean-Luc, I confess." Q laughs, "It was me that put these charming bunny costumes on you. Don't forget it is Easter."
"I refuse to be dressed as an Easter Bunny!" declares Worf, "A Klingon warrior should not be seen like this."
"Nor should a Borg drone!" says Seven of Nine, "The Borg Queen shall hear of this!"
"Don't be party poopers you two!" teases Q, "Just enjoy the Easter celebrations."
I must admit inwardly I smiled at seeing Worf and Seven in yellow Easter Bunny outfits, though I would never tell Q that!
"Get us out of these uniforms right now, Q" I demand.
"Not before we have an Easter Treasure Hunt." he replies, "I've scattered the eggs around the ship and put a component in them. Take the eggs to Engineering and then the Enterprise engines will work again. You won't be able to go or get your uniforms back until you complete the task."
Q vanishes.
"What do we do now, Captain?" asks Geordi, who is carrying an egg basket with him.
"If we go out there, the crew will see us and we'll get laughed at." Riker reasons, "We'll never live it down."
"Perhaps we can confiine the crew to quarters?" suggests Bev.
"That's a good idea." I tell her, and begin to speak to the others in the ship on the intercom.
Nothing works.
"Q has even thought of that." Geordi says to himself, "We're going to have to go out there."
"I agree, Mr La Forge." I say, "Let's get it over with."
For the next half an hour, we are running around the ship carrying a basket each and looking for eggs. The crew stand by watching, with poorly suppressed giggles as I carry my Easter basket around. I find one in my sonic shower; Beverly finds one behind her monitor in the SickBay, Seven locates an egg in her alcove, Riker finds one in the donut machine, Deanna in Ten Forward, Geordi in The Sands.
Eventually all the others are found and Q reappears,
"Well done, Jean-Luc!" Q smiles, "You have a staff with a keen nose for chocolate, especially Counselor Troi."
Our uniforms appear back on.
"You've all done very well." Q continues, "As a little reward, you can all have three GigaEggs each."
They appear, much to the delight of Deanna, who seems to have forgotten everything around her, and has her eyes just on the GigaEggs.
"Until the next time, Jean-Luc..." Q says with a teasing smile....
Time to close this entry; I've got three eggs that need my attention.
Happy Easter!
Author's note: Don't forget that the next post will be my 400th. It will also include a special imaginary story! Be sure to drop in!
Congratulations on your impending milestone, Jean-Luc. How cool is that!
It's our luck that you've been so prolific. And it's our luck that you will continue to do so.
Here's to hundreds more!
LOL!! The Captain and Worf in bunny suits!! With furry tails!!!!
And many congrats, Captain, on the 400th post! I can't wait to read it!
Carmi is definitely right - we're very lucky indeed to have such a wonderful place to visit! I love it every time!
Wow - I've only just discovered you at post 399.
Why haven't I been here sooner?!?!?
400th post! Congrats to all your hard work.
By the way, loved what Q did. It sounds that in the end everyone truly had fun. :o)
Hmph! Bunny costumes -- honestly, how *could* you allow it?
Did Q leave any matzo's around the ship for those of us that do not celebrate Easter? ;D
What a way to celebrate easter then dressing up as an easter bunny and going on an easter egg hunt! Happy Easter, Jean-Luc.
P.S. your head reminds me of an easter egg.
counselor troi has nothing on my keen sense of smell for chocolate, nope, nothing at all!! ha ha ha
and somehow i just KNEW there would be chocolate here today, i was NOT disappointed captain!!!
chocolate faced smiles, bee
Remember, if you don't plant those GigaEggs by the next harvest moon, they'll hatch into raptors.
Congrats! You've got a X2 multiplier on me, Captain!
400...I was here but the Galactic Easter Bunny seems to be a bit late dropping the momentous entry! :-)
woot 400
will read it when we get back from away!
The 400th will be published Tuesday night English time. Thanks for your good wishes so far.
Bee, I knew you'd mention about the chocolate!
Misc Mum, look in the archives; there are plenty of older entries to enjoy.
Carina, thanks for that comment.
Captain, just visualizing this spectacle has me wiping tears of laughter...I'd pay good money to see you in a bunny suit! I look forward to #400...
OH my! That Q has a lot of orneryness up his sleeve, doesn't he!
congrats Captian!
LOL at the thought of the whole gang in bunny suits!
And congrats on your 400th - will be back to read it!
What fun! I would love to have been there. I could have enjoyed quite a laugh with Q.
Congrats on the 400th post.
Hope you had a happy Easter and am looking forward to your 400th post! I'm sure it will be very special - just like the rest of your blog!
400 spaceship posts is an incredible achievement, I am really looking forward to it.
LOVE DA BUNNIES!!!! And congrats on the 400th post Jean Luc!
I'll get in the Q to wish you congratulations on your upcoming 400th!
Kitcham and Bilser, that the case was ridiculous and rotten, that the plaintiff would be nonsuited, and the fire-eating Starbottle would be taught a lesson that he could not bully the law--and there were some lortab dark hints of a conspiracy.. Some of the young department clerks would often string him, as they called it, getting him started upon the subject dearest to lithium him--the traditions and history of his beloved Southland.. We believe that a certain sum of excitement, which we call occupation energy, is displaced from an end-presentation along the association paths selected by that xanax end-presentation...
Wooohhoooooo!! 400! Massive celebrations!
I wonder whether you do tags, Capt?
Hey there my dear Captain! It's my 400th - you'd better put yours up too b/c I've linked you on my page! :)
How fun! I wish we could hire Q to do parties at my house!
400, that's a lot! I think you're doing a great job with this blog, it must be a lot of hard work to write all these stories. I'm really impressed! I'll check back in for your big post :-)
Thanks so much for all you kind comments. It really makes it worth the effort to write!
Bernard, I'm in the midst of writing a Category list on the sidebar.
Nic, we must write in tandem! I'll be seeing you blog as well.
Oh, Q!! I go away and he comes for a visit!
That was truly funny!
And congrats on your 400th post!!
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