Yes, this is the 500th post! For two and a half years, this has been coming your way.
Instead of me saying anything about it, I thought I'd let the others who appear on give their congratulions or whatever. I'll start alphabetically with first names, and work down. I can see there are some that are quite eager to say what they think.
I hope this is a good idea. Anyway, I'll hand it over.
Annika Hansen: "No one knows I exist, as I'm in
Unimatrix Zero, so this will be pretty hush hush. Captain Picard is very patient. He'd have to be to keep my other self running."
Beverly Crusher:

"He is the best there is. Jean-Luc is a wonderful person, leader, with immense skills. It adds nothing to the fact that we will be going on our 500th post celebratory date this evening."
Beverly Howard: An inept Captain from this universe. He has no idea of how to run things, neither does my counterpart Crusher, otherwise she would be Captain instead of a mere doctor. Perhaps I can sens a message to Starfleet asking them to pension him off?"
Boothby: "I can remember the little whippersnapper running around the Academy Gardens when he was a Cadet. I thought he'dnever get anywhere. I guess I was wrong this time, but I was right about that Janeway girl. She was getting lost as a Cadet. now no one knows where she is!"
Borg Queen: "Locutus is a fine human, and did well when we assimilated him a while back. I shall look forward to doing that again when we eventually take Seven of Nine back."
Borg Queen Troi: "This is a person I will joyfully wipe out of all existance when my Cube, Unimatrix 02 destroys the
Enterprise, and rids me of the human Troi woman.
Britney: "Yeah, well, I'm sure he's a great guy. The trouble is, I've seen more of the
Enterprise brig than the boss man. The only time I do, he is saying "Brig, Ensign Britney!" to me."
Data: "Captain Picard is an excellent person, who has served Starfleet well in his career so far. He is loyal and devoted, despite knowing where my 'off' switch is."
Deanna Troi: "I sense great feelings of celebration and joy concerning the fact that the Captain is releasing his 500th Post."
Doctor: "Well, I suppose I should give the solid some form of credit. He did install holo emitters throught the ship that enable me to walk around freely. He still sees Crusher in charge, though, and me as the backroom boy. Not much of a surprise, seeing how they drool over each other."
Geordi La Forge: "The Captain runs the
Enterprise well. He gives me complete freedom of the Engine Room, which gives me space to come up with these nifty little ideas that make the ship go faster...or break down."
Guinan: "Jean-Luc and I know each other quite well, of course, having met in the 19th Century. I guess you can say we have an
understanding between us. He knows when I have these hunches that no one can be aware of."
Jadzia Dax: "Both me and the Dax symbiot are pleased at how the Captain handles the vessel. Personally spreaking, don't don't tell anyone this, but he's a lot better than the Captain on that
Deep Space Nine station."
James T Kirk: "Who? I thought I was Captain of the
Jennifer Baxter: "Captain Picard is a good guy. He doesn't say anything aboout the relationship that Lietenant Commander Data and I have. Others might be tearing their hair out. Our Captain doesn't do that."
Karena: "As an amazon, you want me to praise a MAN? I'm sorry, but I can't possibly do that, even for my pumpkin, Wesley. It's strictly for women I highlight."
Kathryn Janeway: "Is he still around? As I've been lost in the Delta Quadrant with Chakotay and the others for who knows how long, I haven't a clue what's going on."
Lore: "Another one who is on my 'To destroy' list. naturally my wacky brother Data is first, but Captain Picard can have the honour of being second."
Lwaxana Troi:
"Oh, Jean-Luc is such a
darling! I had him eyed up as a potential husband at one stage, but he seemed very reluctant. Ah well, he didn't know what joys he had missed. I'll have to put all my energies into getting my daughter married off to that Will Riker."
Mirror T'Pol: "This Captain would not send me back to the mirror universe when he could, even though it was two hundered years old. I'm stuck on this Enterprise now, although the futuristic gadgetry is fun to look at, and I do have my sista friend Britney on board. Picard has been in charge for some time. In the Terran Empire, we remove them after so long if we tire of them."
Q: "Oh, Jean-Luc has been going a long time. I wonder if he'd like me to drop in and congratulate him? Perhaps a marching band on the Bridge, or dress them up in clowns outfits? Sometimes he just doesn't seem to see eye to eye with me, for some reason."
Reg Barclay: "Err..well, um...I'd just like to say...errr..well, I think the Captain is err..doing...ummm.. an excellent job....and errr...is that ok?"
Ro Laren: "The Captain is very upstanding. He keeps the Cardassians off the ship. As long as that happens, everything is ok. If one of them visits, I get mad big time."
Seven Of Nine: "Locutus is a fine human to study on my visit to the
Enterprise. He possesses good leadership potential, which will help the Borg well when he is reassimilated. The Borg are supreme."
Sloan: "Sadly, Picard did not join
Section 31, although he shows the potential to be a member. We had a black coat and coat, plus a hidden camera all ready to give him."
"The Captain has good moral character, and does not require a different female love interest every week, unlike another Captain I used to know."
Toots: "Yeah, Johnny is an ace guy. When I was his moll in the criminal gang, we really clicked, until that Crusher woman spoilt everything."
Vic Fontaine: I am most greatful to the Captain for creating the Sands holographic nightclub. As a result, we are running the Christmas Party this year."
Wesley Crusher: "Gee, is it 500 posts already? That's swell. My honeybunch, Karena and I are celebrating that. If it wasn't for the Captain, I would not be at the Academy and have met the woman I'll be marrying. The Captain must be so pleased I've saved the ship so many times."
Will Riker: "Yes, the Captain is STILL here, putting his posts, in, although I must admit, I'd like to be putting the Captain's posts in by now. Wouldn't he like a desk job? I've asked, but no, he is still there."
Worf: "The Captain is a fine man, probably the most honourable human I know. Naturally, Klingons are more, but I'm going somewhere else. It is a good day not to die."
Well that's it. What a group. They all seemed to have something to say. I hope you do in the
Comment section as well. I look forward to hearing from you. This last 500 has been a great labour of love, in which I've come across so many wonderful people.