Woe betide the galaxy if any aliens invade when a wedding takes place, or we have personal issues to sort out!
Come to think of it, the staff will have to have a discussion about the Enterprise Christmas Party soon.
I digress. Let's do some exploring. Starfleet will get mad if we don't.
I step on the Bridge, ready to lead the ship into new frontiers. Bev walks past and into the turbolift as I enter.

"Don't forget our date at 20:00 tonight in Ten Forward, Jean-Luc." she whispers, "I've bought a new dress."
"I'll be there, Bev." I whisper back, and she leaves in the turbolift.
All those on the Bridge turn their heads back to face the viewer as if they have not being listening.
Riker finishes eating his donut.
"Don't forget you have to be present at Ensign Britney's latest disciplinary at 10:00, Captain." Riker reminds me.
I groan.
"What's she done this time?" I reply in exasperation.
"Throwing bread rolls at Guinan in Ten Forward." Riker answers, "Guinan tells me she's going to sort that little madam out, as she puts it."
"It looks like we've got to placate the situation there, Number One." I conclude, "Where are we heading, Mr Data?"

"The Carva Sector, Captain." Data answers, "It is a completely unexplored part of the Quadrant."
"That's great!" I exclaim, "A chance to see some new things, make First Contact. Proceed there at Warp Eight."
After we have been going for an hour, the Warp engines gring to a halt.
I wince. Deanna tells me not to worry, and gives me a stress pill.
"What's going on Mr LaForge?" I ask on my ComBadge.
"The Warp Drive is all broken down, Captain," Geordi answers, "I can patch it together for a while, but it needs to be looked at properly at a Starbase."
"Where is the nearest one?"
"Starbase 27 is two light years away." Riker answers, "We can limp there and get fixed. It'll mean no exploring for a day or so."
Why does the Enterprise always break down just when we want it to do something interesting? The guarantee on the replacement parts has probably ran out as well.
Ah well, there is always another time.
Editor's Note:
The next post will be on Wednesday as I'm off to Brighton, so can only do two this week. This one and the Wednesday one is scheduled, so may not be able to comment on blogs.