"Are parties all you think of, Locutus?" asks Seven, "We have just stopped having a strange party that is supposed to commemorate being scared, and already we have another one planned. What would you do if the Borg or another race invaded your vessel during one of your parties?"
"They'd have to book an appointment." Riker drily comments, "When it's the party season, we can't be invaded."

"I might have agreed with Seven." T'Pol states, "But my soul sistah Ensign Britney tells me this is the time to let our hair down."
The influence that Britney has over T'Pol. She terrifies me.
"How are things getting on, Jean-Luc." Bev asks me.
"Things appear to be on schedule." I reply, "The invitations will be sent out around mid-November for the Party that starts Monday 3rd December."
"I am concerned about one thing." Worf says, "Most of the guests appear to be from the early 21st Century, who will arrive via a time portal or other similar means."
"Yes, what's the problem, Mr Worf?" I reply.
"The Temporal Directive, Captain." he tells me, "These people could easily inform others of what they see in the 24th Century and alter the course of time."
"They are quite sensible people, Mr Worf." I reassure him, "Many have been here last year, and also the year before. They know that they have to keep quiet and not tell anyone."
"If they do not, I shall go back and assimilate them." Seven tells us seriously.
"Well, I don't think we want things to get like that, Seven." I tell her, "We are losing track. Now let's see about the party planning."
"Guinan tells me that she and Vic Fontaine have the Party in good hands." Riker informs me, "Fontaine and his band are rehearsing a Christmas set to play in the holographic Sands nightclub, and Guinan is setting out the menu for everyone to eat. She even has her own home-made vol-au-vents on standby."
"That's good to hear." I tell them, "This year's party looks like being a great one. What about outfits? How are we doing there?"
Everyone tells me they have ordered something from Starfleet Fittings. Beverly whispers to me.

"I have ordered a lovely outfit that you will like, Jean-Luc."she says softly.
This stops my train of thought for a moment, until I decide what to do.
"Well, I think that's all for now. On that note, we'll close the meeting.
Author's Note:
Don't forget to take a look at BlogRush (on this page, upper right entitled 'From The Blogasphere'). After a poor start, it has thown out all the scams and now has a super report system. Click on the bottom where it says 'Add Your Blog Posts Free) to find out more. This could increase the amount of traffic you receive!
Ah, you always plan a good party captain, you are such a trooper.
What comes before part b? Part-tay of course! LOL! I wonder if this years will top last years shin dig?! :)
Michele sent me to say hi.
Hello, the lovely Michele from the 21st century sent me along, and I'm so happy she did. Please tell me Neelix will be in charge of the hors'd oeuvres. He has such a way in the kitchen!
Hi Captain! Any chance that you'll be inviting any of us bloggers to the 24th Century party? We promise not to blog about it.
Well, I agree with Seven but if there were no parties I could come see my friend
pssst Seven the new Terminators are done, I think you would like them
Honestly Jean Luc,
It just seems like yesterday that you held LAST YEAR's Christmas Party.
Is it that time already?
In our time and place, we don't get to jump straight into Christmas. We have Thanksgiving, also known as 'Christmas Shopping Weekend' where we celebrate our merchants by going out and splurging and buying and spending at the merchants we love the best... to thank us for our remembering them, they offer great 'sales' so we will buy more....
There is a legend, that at one time, this Thanksgiving Day, it meant something completely different, but nobody really knows for sure.
Happy Shopping!
Good think its on the holodeck- otherwise youd have no chance of getting a booking for this Christmas.....they did decide that the Borg wont be used as serving staff, right? (This would have an effect on my RSVP) LOL
I don't want to think about Christmas yet. Ok, maybe a little.
I want lips like those ladies have. I am gonna have to ask Santa about that.
It's hard to believe it's time to think about Christmas already.
I cant wait
A Christmas party sounds lovely though it's kind of scary that it's that time of year again already!
I think it is time I bought a new outfit for Christmas.
Michelle sent me.
Good heavens, Christmas already?
Bleah, can't even entertain the possibility until after Thanksgiving!
Michele sent me to see what kind of plans you're making for the holidays
Everybody, I don't mind you blogging about it at all, even if it is against the Temporal Prime Directive.
Becky, I know it's too early to think of Christmas, but I like to get you all aware, so that you send your party entries in in good time.
Lahdeedah, that's what Thanksgiving & Christmas are all about.
Sky, Seven tells me how much she is looking forward to seeing you.
Amanda, you're all invited!
i am so excited. I have always wanted to time travel.
Oh that Beverly always has the right thing to say.
Of course I'll be there, Captain. I promise to behave myself this year.
Michele sent me kinda sorta.
I will try not to drink to much blood wine this year (it will be real BLOOD this time wont it
So no word on Neelix eh?
If Karen is up to it we might come would love to speak to worf about security
I am coming with Shiara if she gets back
I am anxious to see Beverly's gown. Time travel? Now that's the way to go. Well, depending which time period. :o)
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