What is your favourite item hung on your wall? Select more than one if you can't be too sure.
My answer is:
I have this limited edition below from the artist Carrie Graber, called 'Contraste' (below)

The secret of Carrie's pictures is that we hardly see the faces of the women. I would love to buy an original, but they would be quite costly!
Now it's over to you...
But before I go....
Here's another chance to see the details of the Enterprise Christmas Party Invitation, posted a few days ago:
This is your official invitation to the Enterprise Christmas Party that starts on Monday 3rd December!
What I'm asking you to do is write a short post of what happens from your viewpoint at the party. It will be then published in the Journal.
These are the rules to remember:
1: The post is from YOUR viewpoint only. You can involve Enterprise characters, plus other known races and figures, such as the Romulans, the Borg, Q, Lwaxana Troi, Seven, Jadzia Dax, Karena, Ensign Britney, T'Pol or make some up yourself. You can even include some bloggers that are likely to be there (see my Guest Quarters' list on my blog).
2: Remember that that this year, the event is taking placing at the Sands holographic nightclub on the Enterprise holodeck. It will be in the style of the early 1960's Las Vegas casinos, with the hologram Vic Fontaine doing a singing session. The catering will be done by Guinan and served by Sands casino holograms there. Anything can happen. You are only limited by your imagination!
3: The length should be whatever you consider suitable.
4: Remember this is a family-friendly Journal, so take heed of what you write.
5: In accordance with Rule 4, I reserve the right to trim entries or not to publish them if I consider them unsuitable.
6: The closing date for entries is Wednesday 28th November.
7: Send your entries to: Captain Picard (wibblywebb-1@yahoo.co.uk) marking your entry 'Enterprise Christmas Party'. The E Mail address is also under 'Secure Channel' on my Journal page.
8: Don't forget to include your blog ID and your blog URL address so you can be credited.
9: If I get a substantial number of entries, I will be doing several posts together, to be changed daily from the 3rd December onwards.
10: For any of those unsure of what their entry should look like, read some examples from last year's party in the December archives week commencing 4th December, or the year before, week commencing 5th December.
Good luck, everybody!
You won't believe it. There is a ancient boomerang hanging on one of my walls. Legacy of my second brother. I can't let go of it.
The other three walls have nothing on them.
Michele sent me here to share about that boomerang!
Unfortunately, I have nothing except a clock and a crucifix hanging on the walls in our house. Can't say that I'd call either of them a favourite piece.
What I would really like to have is a big mirror with some old fashioned framing.
Nice picture!
I have several limited edition prints but my favourite hangs in my lounge and is a print by the talented Debra Stroud called 'Sky Dance'. I never tire of looking at it.
Michele sent me over to say hi again!
I have a Native American picture on the wall opposite my lounge chair with the saying:
'May the Great Spirit watch over you for he know the path you walk and he will guide your footsteps gently.'
I love that :-)
Michele sent me here today, Jean-Luc...still working on my party thingy :-)
I have a stuffed mounted Blue Beaver holding a bottle of Blue Beaver Beer on my wall. But before any nature lovers take offense at such a thing, don't worry I drank the beer before I mounted it.
In my living room I have a landscape painting that I picked up at a Flea Market in California many, many years ago. It's your typical mountain-lake-forest landscape but I just love it and always have. It's very soothing to me.
As I am moving house in a few months, I will look out for pieces of art to hang on the walls. However my bbomerang stays!
Michele sent me again.
Favorite items? (ponder ponder looking at walls)
my picture blow up from me at the top of a mountain in Spain (Picos de Europa)
a poster from "the merry widow" (1934 - from the film museum) right beside my The Cure poster
a picture of my godson with a big smile on his pretty little face
Interesting question! Let's see...
Probably my favorite thing is a drawing of a unicorn/mountain/rainbow my best friend did when she was 8. She gave it to me when I was 15. I've had it ever since.
But I have others that come in a close second (my Harry Potter clock, a beautiful crucifix and rosary I got in Florence, etc).
My favorite items are:
A painting of a Native American woman with a wolf
A House Blessing that reads as follows:
Eris Bless This House
This house be safe from tygers wyld;
Here only tame things domiciled:
No Bogle, Troll or Grinch allowed,
Nor motley mob nor creeping crowd.
Bless everything within these walls,
No matter how it sits or crawls.
Let mild weather be inside,
For those who 'neath this rooftree abide;
And too, if not enlightenment-
Then pizza, love and merriment...
And if these lines seem slightly odd,
Be glad at least they mostly rhyme.
Have a great weekend, Jean-Luc.
In my room and in the living room, I have phantom of the opera prints :)
must be the arrangement of five mirrors with artistic frames hanging on the South wall of my living room...that way I can always see my own reflection....!!!!HAH HAH HAH,,,(just joking - I guess Narcisis must be my Shadow-Side?)....
but really, probably a toss-up between the many photos of my darlin' daughter, OR the original oil/water-colours/acrylic original paintings that she has done over the years, starting with her very first finger painting (that I saved anyway) done in 1984!
...back to the books....
cheers for now,
p.s. Contraste -- ? -- is it a photo, or a painting?
Thanks for the comment you left on my blog at http://jesseblogs.blogspot.com ! Nice place you have here, lol, and your avatar is really awesome...have fun ! :)
I like all your responses. What a person has on their wall really reflects a lot about the character they are.
Dragonflyfilly, 'Contraste' is a limited edition painting on canvas, from the original on canvas, also by Carrie Graber.
Gautami, that boomerang will keep coming back!
I have the poster of Degas' Sunflowers'. Saw the original once in Amsterdam. I love that painting. One has a kind of mini fountain with a lion's head and other has a couple of more paintings
There's a rather nice picture of Cawsand, in Cornwall, painted by a family friend. Strangely enough, this is the very weekend its being re-located to a new spot on account of some paintwork changes.
... and by the way, the party sounds fun...;-)
Here today via Michele's! Hiya!
It's funny because I did an entry last week about my Kandinski poster which is one of my favourite paintings. I've got a mandala I really like, and a P.T. Barnum advert from the turn of the century which is pretty cool. Michele says hi and I'm sure she has plenty of cool stuff on her walls too.
I have a "Breakfast at Tiffany's" framed poster... in Italian.
And I have a painting done by an old blog friend named Charm... I don't think she blogs anymore though. I won it by donating the most to the victims of Katrina.
And of course... I've got some beautiful photos of my children.
Here via michele today!
Michele sent me over again to your starship! I am enjoying the ride!
my favorite things hanging on my wall are my portraits. there are over 30 that I have done in the last month
Hello, Jean-Luc, Michele sent me to visit you today.
Since I recently moved into my new home - I don't have many things on the walls yet.
But, I do have two favorites:
One is of a pair of irises on an old barn door plank. The iris are cut out of wood and painted. It is very lovely.
The most favorite is a quilt I did - It is called "MUSIC ON THE SQUARE". The quilt was a challenge for a show held each year at East Tennessee State University's Museum. The topic of the challenge was "Mountain Memories: Words and Music".
The quilt I created was four blocks which were called "Around the Square" - which I joined together by adding two borders. It was representative of the wonderful free spring and fall concerts that were held in front of the town square. I hand-quilted the entire quilt and it is lovely. (if I do say so myself) - I will try and post a photo of it on my blog.
oh Galen won't let me hang anything on the ships walls...
Novy though has so many nice things on her walls
Our artistic philosophy at home is simple: go personal and go cheap. Since I'm a photographer and my wife's an artist, we cover our walls with our own work, always moving stuff around and sharing with family. It makes for interesting conversation when folks come over.
My favorite pictures are of the kids: I love seeing how they change over time.
Popped by from Michele's to wish you a lovely evening.
My fave is a photo of my son. Handsome devil, he is. Hmmm, wonder where he gets that from?
I have many things on my walls, but my two favorites are a large cutaway diagram of the starship Enterprise, and a painting by the Brothers Hildebrandt of "Bilbo at Rivendell," from a "Lord of the Rings" calendar published many years ago.
Good post.
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