I'm on trial for the crimes I committed with Lefty, Fats & Toots while under the influence of Professor Kalam's Mmind Altering Device. The Chief Prosecutor Clarcia Mark is making things look bad for me. Even the Judge, Ephriam Hardcastle doesn't like me.
Riker opens for the defence.
"I call Doctor Beverly Crusher."
Bev stands up and goes to the witness chair.

Beverly tells the story of what happened, and how she infiltrated my gang, and how I was affected by the Mind Altering Device.
"Tosh!" snorts Judge Hardcastle, "Machines cannot affect the mind like that."
Clarcia gets up to cross question.
"Is it not true, Doctor Crusher." she starts, "That you are in a romantic liaison with the defendant?" She emphasises the two words.
"Well, we have been on several dates." Bev replies.
"Therefore you would say anything to get Captain Picard...your lover off?" Clarcia suggests.
This leaves Bev red faced and in a flurry. She is quickly excused.
"Doesn't look good for you, Picard?" Hardcastle says quietly.
I see Data, Deanna and Riker talking quickly amongst themselves. They know they've got to come up with something. Eventually. they all agree.
The Judge gets impatient and asks if they are going to call anyone else.
"Yes." says Riker, "We call Professor Kalam."

The Professor enters, along with his Mind Altering Device.

"You invented the Mind Altering Device?" Riker asks him.
"Err..yes, Commander." Kalam replies in his usual bumbling style, "When I tried it on Captain Picard, it turned him into a criminal."
"So you are saying it is this Device which is to blame for the robberies, not the Captain?" Riker suggests.
"Oh yes." Kalam answers, "I was unaware that the Device would be able to alter normal people. I thought it would just work on criminals."
Both Clarcia and Judge Hardcastle snort sounds of derision.
"Are you expecting us to believe that this device can alter people?" Clarcia sneers at him, "I refuse to believe it, "This is just a pathetic attempt by the Defence to explain the robberies."

"I'm tending to think the same." comments Hardcastle, "I'm thinking of sentencing the defendant now, Clarcia, so we can go on our date...I mean so we finish today."
In desperation, Deanna stands up.
"If you think you are so certain." she says, looking at the Judge and Clarcia, "Why don't you try it now...both of you?"
They look a little worried, but they hook up to the machine and Kalam turns it on, just like he did when I tried it.
Clarcia and the Judge look dazed and confused. Slowly, they look at each other, and smile with realisation, and run to the door.
"You're right, Prof!" exclaims Hardcastle, "That's a doozy of a device. It DOES turn people into criminals. Picard, you're free to go."
"Yeah, Ephriam." adds Clarcia, "Ain't this great? Can I be your moll?"
"You always were, Clarcia, honey." replies Hardcastle, "Let's get out of this joint and rob a few places."
"You're on, baby." Clarcia answers softly, "I'll have to get some new threads as well. These are far too dowdy for the moll of a gangster."
With that, they are gone.
"Oh dear." says Kalam, "I seem to have done it again."
"Worf's security team will catch them before they leave the building." Riker tells him, "You can change them back then. They will have to let you off, Captain as it happened to them as well. Both the Judge and Clarcia know why you did the robberies."
"Well done, everybody." I tell them, "I can get back to the important business of Captaining the Enterprise."
"....and planning the Christmas party." adds Bev, with a kiss."