With Jadzia off injured, and Worf treating her, my team is two short. The rules prevent her being treated right away before a match.
It's no great loss, as Jadzia is such an awful player.
Still, I've had to recruit two players who have never been in the Tournament before; T'Pol and Seven Of Nine.
I expect a lot of crowing from Riker's team, consisting of him, Deanna, Data and Ro Laren.
Bev and I with two inexperienced players against four top bowlers.
Why don't we just give them the cup now.
"It appears that your chances of success are limited, Captain." Data informs me. Is this his android way of telling me something. It's a good job his emotion chip is switched off.
Riker goes first.

"STTT-RIKE!!!!" he shouts, and high fives everyone in the team. Data willingly complies. I think he's turned that emotion chip on.
I bowl a modest delivery, then Data gets a strike, as expected, which he celebrates enthusiastically.
Beverly manages to get a strike, though, and the two of us high-five as well. Bev then high-fives T'Pol and Seven, who seems a little confused by it all.
"You all have a strange way of celebrating, Locutus." she observes.
Now it is T'Pol's turn.
She strides up, looks at the bowl as if it's her worst enemy...then delivers it perfectly.

"STTT-RIKE!!!! I believe, Captain Picard." she says with an air of triumph, while looking at Riker's team, who are amazed."
"How did you learn to do that, T'Pol?" I ask.
"Why did you assume that bowling did not take place in the Terran Empire?" she replies, "I was the top player there."
After Ro Laren delivers an adequate bowl, Seven comes forward.
She holds the ball and delivers a perfect strike.
"STTT-RIKE!!!! is the response you humans give." she remarks, "Before you ask, Locutus, the Borg have assimilated many top bowling players over the galaxy. As a result, we have our own inter-Cube bowling matches. I was the top player in the Unimatrix 01 Cube team. Had you bothered to ask, you would have been aware."
Over the rest of the match, we thrash Riker's team and get the trophy.
"Well done, Beverly, T'Pol and Seven." I say to my team.
"We were indeed the best." comments Seven, "Resistance was futile."