Since Seven Of Nine was put on the Enterprise by the Borg Queen to study behaviour patterns by unassimilated people, I have felt very threatened.
I believe she she sees me as a potential target for her race.
I walk down the corridor on Deck 5; unfortunately, coming the other way is Seven.
"You!" she says, "The construction of you is fascinating. I will get a lot of brownie points from the Borg Queen when I return with you to Unimatrix 01."
"Thank you, Seven" I reply, "But I have no wish to join you with the Borg. We should go our separate ways when the time comes for you to be collected."
"We are the Borg!" she shouted, "You will come with me when I say so; resistance is futile!"
Jennifer Baxter appears on the scene. She is my girlfriend.
"What is going on here?" she exclaims, "What is this glorified one-eyed tin can doing shouting at you, dear Data?"
"Seven would like me to go with her to the Borg Cube when the Borg Queen comes to collect her, Jennifer,"
"Yes" says Seven, "His componants would be very useful to us. We haven't had a decent upgrade since Windows 2352 was installed."
"Oh, they would, would they?" Jennifer replies angrily, "Well listen to this, chalkhead; Data stays with me, here on the Enterprise. Do you want to make something of it?"
"You will be one of the first creatures we assimilate!" declares Seven, "I am slowly making a list of all those I want to put first into the Assimilation Chamber. You will be on it, Baxter!"
As the two start to exchange blows, I try to separate them. I see Captain Picard approach, but notice he groans and shakes his head. He turns round and goes back as if he does not want to get involved.
I go in to separate the two women, but everything suddenly stops.
I am up again, and my internal chronometer tells me that 25 minutes have elapsed. Jennifer is next to me. Her hair is a mess, she has a black eye and a scratch on her cheek.
"Sorry to switch you off, Data." she says, "But this was something you didn't wanted intervene on. It was a matter between two women."
"Where is Seven?" I ask.
"Currently in SickBay being repaired by Beverly" she replies, "I managed to tear at some of her wires which did her a little damage. Actually, I've done her a favour."
"What do you mean, Jennifer?"
"She has learnt a little about behaviour patterns; don't mess with an angry woman who protects her boyfriend."
She kisses me.
I believe I have learnt something as well; do not intervene between two ladies who dislike each other.