CCTV footage clearly shows me doing the deed, though I remember I was in the holodeck alone at the time. As I result, I am now awaiting to be Disintegrated.
The prison is someone reminiscent of mid-20th Century standard. I have one cellmate, a somewhat crazed individual by the name of Jody Carrot.

"You ain't some no-good copper are you?" he asks me aggressively, as I lie in my bunk.
"No." I reply, "I'm innocent, though, and was framed for murder."
Jody laughs.
"Yeah" he tells me, "We all were in here. Now lissen, and keep yer trap shut. We're going on the lam tonight from the Big House. Do you want in.?"
I think the Universal Translator might be malfuctioning. Eventually Carrot explains that he and a group of individuals are planning to break out from the prison, and I have the chance of joining in.
It's a tough choice; do I want to be a fugitive on the run, or do I want to be Disintegrated?
After half a second of tough deliberation, I tell Jody that I'm in.
A few hours later, it is dark. We have our faces blackened and are ready to go. Jody gets his keys from the crooked guard and we sneak out with his accomplices. All of them of dubious looking, but at this moment, they are my only way out.
Whatever happened to cruising at Warp Speed in the Enterprise? How did I come to this?
We all advance outside, but the lights blaze on; it's all a trap.
The warder comes forward, with the crooked guard smiling behind him. Carrot delivers all manner of choice Talan expletives to both of them. The warder looks at me.
"Picard." he tells me, "As a result of your actions, your Disintegration will be bought forward to one hour from now.
One hour later, I am brought to the Disintegration Chamber. It looks like it's curtains for me, as Jody would have said.
"The crew of your starship will be watching on their videoscreen, Picard." says the warder, "To show them we do not tolerate murder on Talan IV."
Not even a last request or meal. I was turned down when I asked for Earl Grey tea. Not too cheery here, are they?
I can imagine Bev must have run out of tissues up there, if she is watching all this.
"Activate the switch!" declares the Warder.
To be continued....I hope!