Things haven't been going too well for the senior staff since the Cap and the rest of us have been stranded in San Franciso in the year 2006 following a time machine accident.
I so wanted to be a trombone player in a jazz band. I trudged the streets asking all the clubs for an audition. Whenever I demonstated my talent, I always got the same response.
"Hey, man, we want talent, not an off-key player!"
It seems like those in the 21st Century have no lack of the vast skills us in the 24th Century possess.
I went back to my apartment where Deanna was.
"Any luck?" I ask her.
"No, Will, it's always the same," she mentions, "When I apply to be a psychiatrist or counsellor, the authorites want to see my qualifications. I can hardly tell them I'm a Starfleet Counselor from the 24th Century."
"Are you still doing your other job?" I ask.
"Yes" she sadly admits, "I'm a receptionist at the psychiatrist."
I have an idea.
"Deanna," I tell her, "Two days have elapsed since we have been in this time period; why don't we look at the others to see how they are getting on."
"Great idea!" she eagerly say, "Let's go."
Our sensor detector is directed towards Geordi. He said he was going to be a top DJ. I wonder how he has got on. Maybe he is at a nightclub?
We go towards a busy shopping area and see the sign 'Acme Record Store'. He's in there.
The two of us look around, and see a harassed-looking Geordi selling records to a group of people. He doesn't have any help.
"How are you doing, Geordi?" I call out.
He sees me and groans, "It's a nightmare." he tells me.
"We're looking up the others; do you want to come along?"
"Absoloutely!" he states, and comes with us, leaving the record buyers in disarray.
We head off to San Francisco High School. Data said he wanted to be a teacher. The other teachers are all seen, but there is no Data. Eventually, our detectors find him in the school trash. Data is switched off and in one of the refuse bins.
Deanna switches him on.
Data looks surprised when he sees us.
"What happened, Data?" Deanna asks.
"I am unsure, Counselor. I was teaching a class of fifty on my first day. They were running around the class, screaming. I was doing my best to contain them, but to no avail. It appears that they may have found my 'Off' switch and deposited me in the trash."
"The little horrors!" comments Geordi. I think the others are supressing a slight giggle though about a group of little villains throwing Data in the trash.
He agrees to come with us and see how the others are doing.
Our detectors are tuned now to Worf, who wanted to be a wrestler. It's pointed to the local circus. We see a sign with Worf's picture.
We go I find him locked up; he brightens to see us.
"I was on the way to audition for the wrestling, but yhey caught me nearby, Commander" he tells me, "And I have been unable to get free; they've drugged me up with darts."
We use a phaser and break him out; now to see Beverly.
We head off to San Francisco General Hospital.
"Perhaps she has a top job?" speculates Data.
"They way we are getting on in the 21st Century, Data" I tell him, "I somehow doubt it very much."
We see the doctors pouring out of the hospital. I ask one of them where Doctor Beverly Crusher is in the building. He laughs.
"DOCTOR Crusher!" he chortles, "Beverly Crusher is only a porter there who does the lowest jobs we all give her."
We go in and find an exhausted Beverly. She looks relieved at seeing us.
"It's been very hectic all day." she says, "I've been sorting out bedpans for hundreds of patients."
"What are bedpans, Doctor?" asks a puzzled Data.
"You don't want to know." she replies.
She comes with us and we look for the Cap. He said he was going to be a Shakespearean actor. Has he managed it?"
We all go to the theatre area, where his signal leads. We approach a great theatre where 'Hamlet' is being shown.
Could it be...?
Then I hear a familiar voice.
The Cap is selling programmes for the show. he sees us all and looks slightly concerned. We tell each other of our experiences.
"Things aren't going well." the Cap tells us, "We'll just have to hope we get some help in returning to the 24th Century somehow."