Saturday, November 29, 2008
TWQ: Being Thankful
What do you believe you are thankful for? List as many as you wish.
My answers are:
* Wisdom of my parents
* Still being here despite a difficult birth.
* Having friends around me and on the internet
Now it's over to you....
But before you go....
The Enterprise Christmas Party starts on Monday. If you still want to send an entry, e mail it to: Captain Picard ( marking your entry 'Enterprise Christmas Party'. The E Mail address is also under 'Secure Channel' on my Journal page. Don't forget to add your web address so you can be credited.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Enterprise/Borg Alliance (Part Six)

Guest Poster: Beverly Crusher
While a battle rages in space between the Cylon ships and the Borg Cube, which is defending us, the Enterprise has slipped through towards the Resurrection Ship.
Jean-Luc, the Borg Queen and I have beamed down to the ship so we can destroy it before it creates any human-form Cylons like Six, who Data, Jennifer Baxter, Six, Ensign Britney and T'Pol managed to destroy.
I've come officially to help in case anyone gets injured. In truth, though, if the Borg Queen lays her clammy hand on Jean-Luc again, she's toast.
The three of us materialise in a corridor and look around. No one is around.
I spot a sign on the wall. It says

"That's very handy." comments Jean-Luc, "Let's go. The whole problem might be solved right now."
As we walk by, the Borg Queen alerts us.
"Look!" she says.
A bubbling vat of steaming water is in one of the rooms. Outside it is a peg with a skimpy red dress hanging from it. We look in the vat, and through the steam, we can see the image of Six starting to take shape again.
"I think I'll take care of this!" I say sharply, and set my phaser rifle to it's highest setting.

I blast the beams into the vat and it all explodes. Water goes over the floor.
"You're very direct." comments the Borg Queen.
Before we leave, I take the skimpy red dress and put it in my holdall.
"I think I'll keep that for myself." I say, "I know I'll look good in it, don't you think, Jean-Luc?"
"I'm sure you will, Bev." he replies.
The Borg Queen raises an eyebrow. I think she got the message about not holding hands with my Captain!
We find the Self-Destruct Room soon after, and set the timer for two minutes.
As we wait, with just a few seconds to go, a few Cylon Centurians walk in and march towards us.
"Bye bye!" I say as we dematerialise. The Borg Queen goes through her 'Reistance is Futile' speech as well.
The three of us emerge in the EnterpriseTransporter Room.
"The Resurrection Ship has exploded." Riker informs us, "When it did, the Cylon ships seemed to lose all sense of purpose. It looks like they have all been defeated, as we hoped."
"Excellent." comments the Borg Queen to Jean-Luc, "We have done well together, Locutus. Perhaps we will be able to go on more missions together?"
"Err...I'm not sure about that." Jean-Luc answers hesitatingly.
The Queen moves to hold Jean-Luc's hand, but decides against it when she sees me watching with my phaser rifle.
"Nonetheless, it was a good mission." she tells us, "I shall give my Report to the Alpha Borg Queen. We will both look forward to seeing you at the Enterprise Christmas Party next week."
The Queen beams back to her Cube.
"That's good." comments Jean-Luc." we have ended an intergalactic war just in time for the Christmas Party. How could the former go ahead if we were having the latter?"
Editor's Note:
Though the finishing date for the Enterprise Christmas Party was the 26th November, I am giving you until Sunday for any late entries. Send them to: Captain Picard ( marking your entry 'Enterprise Christmas Party'. The E Mail address is also under 'Secure Channel' on my Journal page.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Enterprise/Borg Alliance (Part Five)
Now all we have to do is destroy the Resurrection Ship in Cylon Space before another Six being is created.
I say 'all we have to do', as if it is a simple matter, like a quizmaster might do on an awful galactic telecast show.
"The Alliance is working well, Locutus." says the Borg Queen over the videoscreen, "Now what I propose is..."

"Hold on." interrupts Bev, "If this is an Alliance, then we are not going to take any directives from the Borg."
I think Bev is still sore because the Borg Queen held her clammy hand on mine as a sign of the Alliance. At least that might be the reason.
"Whatever you please, Doctor Crusher." the Queen answers, "I just suggest that as my Cube has superior firepower, that can hold off any Cylon attacks while Locutus and I beam down to plant the inner explosives."
"It does sounds a feasible method of attack." Worf concedes.
"I agree." Riker answers.
"It might well be." Beverly grudgingly admits, "But I'm coming down with the Captain."

"Is that wise?" Deanna asks Beverly, "It could be dangerous there."
"I know that." Bev answers, "You might need...err...medical help."
I think Beverly was making sure that the Queen does not have a chance to make a suspected pass at me again.
"Very well." the Borg Queen says, "We shall do that, Locutus."
A few hours later, we are in Cylon territory. The Enterprise is being taken by Borg Cube tractor beam as if we are prisoners to fool the Cylons. The Borg Queen beams on board our ship.
"Locutus." says the Queen, "Let us hope our joint effort will rid the galaxy of the Cylons for ever."
She holds her clammy hand on mine, which I quickly remove as Bev enters.
"Preparing to release tractor beam" says the Queen as she gives instructions.
The Enterprise heads towards the Resurrection Ship while the Cube defends us against Cylon ships.
"Beaming down now!"
Now to see if we can rescue the galaxy...again. I'm keeping a tally on how many times I do this, by the way, just in case some Admiral ever tells me off.
To be continued...
Editor's Note:
Don't forget to send in your entry for the Enterprise Christmas Party. Send your entries to: Captain Picard ( marking your entry 'Enterprise Christmas Party'. The E Mail address is also under 'Secure Channel' on my Journal page. Closing Date Wed 26th November.....FINISHING SOON!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Enterprise/Borg Alliance (Part Four)

Guest Poster: Data
Right now, I feel as if I am the intruder on a night out that women are partaking in.
In truth, I am the bait in a trap.
My girlfriend Jenny, plus Seven of Nine, Ensign Britney, and T'Pol are all on the planet Feloria, where the artificial Cylon human Six has been sighted. We are here to eliminate her, while the Borg Cube 01 and the Enterprise have joined together to destroy the Resurrection Ship. Together, these two attacks will stop the Cylon threat to the galaxy.
At least that is the plan.
"Go on, Data, honey." urges Jenny, "I'll sort out Six with my multi-phase disruptor, while Seven, Britney and T'Pol will put paid to that lump of metal Norman the Cylon Centurian."
With our positions agreed, I walk into town alone. The doors hurriedly close as the local citizens know when trouble is coming.
Why is it my circuits are reminding me of the 20th century Earth movie High Noon? I feel an urgent compulsion to say "Yup." for some reason.
Suddenly I hear a pair of stiletto heels on the ground behind me.

"Now this IS a pleasant surprise!" trills Six softly, "I was hoping we would meet again, Data. Did you feel the same attraction for me as I did for you at that Convention. Your advanced workings could do wonders for Centurian technology, and the two of us could rule over...."

"Ain't gonna happen!" says another voice, "I'm Jennifer Baxter, Data's girl, and I'm here to finish you off."
Jenny always had a penchant for the dramatic.
"Is she the best you can do, Data?" asks Six, "This human woman does not meet the standards us artificial life forms can aspire to. Do you not see me as the best there is? Norman! I have a job for you."
An overly large Cylon Centurian comes out of a local house. Correctly put, he smashed through the door.
"Norman." commands Six, "Destroy the human woman in the latex outfit."
As he marches towards Jenny, Britney, T'Pol and Seven emerge from their secluded places and release the charges of their high voltage phaser rifles towards Norman.

"Get this, you heap of tin cans!" shrieks Britney, as her phaser charge hits him. In a few moments, Norman is a pile of molten metal, enough to make a new shuttlecraft for the Enterprise.
All that is left now is Six, who is looking a little less confident before.
"This one is by me!" Jenny declares, "Data is MY territory, and anyone crossing into it makes a mistake. You just made a mistake, Six."

With the loud noise of Jenny's multi-phase disruptor, Six screams as her body falls into nothingness.
"Resistance is futile!" exults Seven.
"Yeah, sisters!" shouts Britney, and all four women high-five each other in a victory statement. I am even encouraged to join in.
"Well, we have accomplished our mission." T'Pol muses, "I wonder how the Enterprise are getting on in theirs?"
To be continued...
Editor's Note:
Don't forget to send in your entry for the Enterprise Christmas Party. Send your entries to: Captain Picard ( marking your entry 'Enterprise Christmas Party'. The E Mail address is also under 'Secure Channel' on my Journal page. Closing Date Wed 26th November
Saturday, November 22, 2008
TWQ: Movie Theme Tunes
Movie theme tunes are sometimnes so recognisable. TWQ (The Weekend Question) asks which you know.
Which are the most identifiable movie theme tunes for you? List as many as you wish
My answers are:
Psycho (definately the most recognisable)
Wind Beneath My Wings (not so much a movie theme song, but Beaches automatically comes to mind.
Now it's over to you...
But before you go....

This is your official invitation to the Enterprise Christmas Party that starts on Monday 1st December!
What I'm asking you to do is write a short post of what happens from your viewpoint at the party. It will be then published in the Journal.
These are the rules to remember:
1: The post is from YOUR viewpoint only. You can involve Enterprise characters, plus other known races and figures, such as the Romulans, the Borg, Q, Lwaxana Troi, Seven, Jadzia Dax, Karena, Ensign Britney, T'Pol or make some up yourself. You can even include some bloggers that are likely to be there (see my Guest Quarters' list on my blog).
2: Remember that that this year, the event is taking placing in a representation of the Borg Cube on the Enterprise holodeck. The Borg drones will be doing the serving, and their band The Strolling Drones will be plaing the music. A special visitor will be the Alpha Borg Queen, leader of the entire race. Anything can happen. You are only limited by your imagination!
3: The length should be whatever you consider suitable.
4: Remember this is a family-friendly Journal, so take heed of what you write.
5: In accordance with Rule 4, I reserve the right to trim entries or not to publish them if I consider them unsuitable.
6: The closing date for entries is Wednesday 26th November.
7: Send your entries to: Captain Picard ( marking your entry 'Enterprise Christmas Party'. The E Mail address is also under 'Secure Channel' on my Journal page.
8: Don't forget to include your blog ID and your blog URL address so you can be credited.
9: If I get a substantial number of entries, I will be doing several posts together, to be changed daily from the 1st December onwards.
10: For any of those unsure of what their entry should look like, read some examples from last year's party in the December archives week commencing 3rd December, or the year before, week commencing 4th December.
Good luck, everybody! Time running out!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Enterprise/Borg Alliance (Part Three)

Guest Poster: Jennifer Baxter
My boyfriend Data, plus Ensign Britney, T'Pol, Seven of Nine and myself are all in the Orion shuttlecraft heading straight for the part of Cylon space where the artificial creature Six was last spotted.
Due to an Alliance between the Enterprise and the Borg Queen's Cube, the two ships are off to destroy the Resurrection Ship in the centre of Cylon space, while us five dispose of Six.
"I like your black leather outfit, Jenny." says Ensign Britney, "They could be a real hit in some of the parties T'Pol and I attend."
"I use it for fighting." I reply sharply, "Not for dancing or your kind of fun."

"Am I to be the bait in this, Jenny?" Data asks me, "I see an element of danger in this mission."
"Yes, you are, Data, honey." I reply, "But don't worry, I'll make sure that Six doesn't harm a circuit. With us four around and my multi-phase disruptor, she'll be history before she knows it."
"Seven shall triumph over Six." states Seven defiantly, "Resistance is futile!"
Was this an attempt at Borg humour? I'm not sure exactly. Nevertheless we all shout "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE." in a unifying voice. Even Data says it, although he wears a somewhat puzzled expression.
Some hours later, we arrive at the planet Feloria, where Six was reported recently.
T'Pol and Britney are sent into the main town as scouts and return soon after.

"We're in luck!" Britney, who is trying to look normal in an undercover outfit, "Some have mentioned a gorgeous looking woman in a skimpy red dress with blonde hair."
"That's it." I say, "Let's all go in to the town and get her."
To be continued after the weekend TWQ
Editor's Note:
Don't forget to send in your entry for the Enterprise Christmas Party. Send your entries to: Captain Picard ( marking your entry 'Enterprise Christmas Party'. The E Mail address is also under 'Secure Channel' on my Journal page. Closing Date Wed 26th November
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Enterprise/Borg Alliance (Part Two)
Why is it always us that saves the universe? Is it in the small print of my job spec? I'll have to check that in the small print when I can.
The Queen beams over to the Enterprise, and stands in the Ready Room. Naturally, Seven of Nine is next to her.

"It is pleasing to see you again, Locutus." smiles the Queen, "Have you any proposals as to how the Cylons should be eliminated?"
"From what I've heard, they have a Resurrection Ship that creates beings like Six if they are destroyed. We also need to get to the Six that has currently been created."
"Excellent tactics, Locutus!" exclaims the Queen, "The Borg miss having you with us when you were assimilated. We had a distinct advantage when the contents of your brain were in the Hive Mind."
"Well never mind about that!" I hurriedly say. I'd rather forget about that.
"What would attract Six to being ambushed and eliminated?" Riker asks.
"Commander Data." states Seven, "When I was at the Convention, Six expressed great interest in probing Data and learning more about him."

"I'm not having that creature explore my Data!" exclaims Ensign Jennifer Baxter, who is Data's girlfriend.
"Jenny." Data answers, "I'm sure with well-armed people with us, no harm will come to me."
"Yeah." she replies, "Me with my multi-phase-disruptor will show that Six the folly of messing with my man!"
Whew! That Jennifer is one tough fighter.
"Does anyone else wish to go with them?" I ask, "Two more will provide an effective fighting unit."

"Why not." Ensign Britney says as she shrugs her shoulders, "Fancy a trip out, T'Pol."
"Sure, Brit." answers her best friend, "If you go, I go."
"Very good." answers the Borg Queen, "I will send Seven of Nine with you so that she can relay the end result to me via the Hive Minsd. While the five of them tackle Six, the Enterprise and the Borg Cube will go into Cylon space and destroy the Cylon Resurrection Ship. Our theory is that then those two points are destroyed, the Cylons will be without a leader and powerless."
It's like one massive battle plan. I'd rather be sipping some Earl Grey or cuddling Bev on the back row of the Enterprise cinema.
Still, our attack plan is ready to go.
To be continued...
Editor's Note:
Don't forget to send in your entry for the Enterprise Christmas Party. Send your entries to: Captain Picard ( marking your entry 'Enterprise Christmas Party'. The E Mail address is also under 'Secure Channel' on my Journal page.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Enterprise/Borg Alliance (Part One)
So she did.
As we travel through the Harlan Sector, a Borg Cube comes out of nowhere, and a visual message comes on the screen from the Queen.

"Greetings, Locutus." she says, "Have you consulted your superiors about a possible Alliance between the Federation and the Borg against the Cylons, who are led by this blonde named Six?"
"Indeed I did." I reply, "But they were very dismissive. They did not trust you and saw that it might be a good opportunity to reduce the Borg fleet. In other words, they want to sit back and watch the two sides fight it out, as both sides will get decimated."
The Borg Queen looks incensed, as if her bad temper might just make her disconnect a drone or two to take her mind off it.
"The fools!" exclaims the Queen, "Don't they realise that Earth is the primary target of the Cylons?"
"Yes...but." I stutter.
"You will be signing your own death warrant." she continues, "I thought we had an understanding when we talked and I held your hand in the Cube."

"What?" exclaims Bev, who was standing towards the back of the Bridge.
I go a little red-faced as if I have been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. I quickly tell her that the Queen and I shook hands to confirm an Alliance. Bev seemed satisfied at this, although the Queen seemed to hold her clammy hand a little more affectionately than that.
"Do you agree with what Starfleet said, Locutus?" asks the Queen.
"No I don't." I reply, "I think the Cylons need to be stopped. Evidence has shown they are expanding throughout the galaxy, and will only be a matter of time before they go into Federation territory."
"Then come with us." the Queen offers invitingly, "Together, we can go into the heart of Cylon space."
"That's suicide." I exclaim, "An it's also against orders."
"I read in files that a predecessor of yours, a Captain James T Kirk, was always defying orders."
"That's true." I admit, "But things have changed now; we are more civilised."
"Have they?" asks the Queen, "Shall we go now?"
I turn round, look at the crew, who all nod their heads.
"Let's break out the armoury and destroy a few Cylons." says Ensign Jennifer Baxter. She was always a tough fighter. I turn to the screen where the Queen is.
"Very well." I say, "Let's go."
"Excellent!" exclaims the Queen, "With our two ships side by side we'll finish off the Cylons and be back in time for the Enterprise Christmas Party. Don't forget to tell the chef to make the vol-au-vants, and get the red carpet ready for my Leader, the Alpha Borg Queen."
To be continued...
Editor's Note:
Don't forget to look on the previous post for details on the Enterprise Christmas Party.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
TWQ: Newspaper Cartoons
Which newspaper cartoons are your favourites? List as many as you wish.
My answers are:
The British ones that I like are I Don't Believe It and Up and Running from the Daily Mail. As for those in America, I like Dilbert, as it seems to resemble my office at times. Though I haven't seen many, Herman is always hilarious, definate thinking outside the box, like The Far Side always was.
Now it's over to you...
But before you go....

This is your official invitation to the Enterprise Christmas Party that starts on Monday 1st December!
What I'm asking you to do is write a short post of what happens from your viewpoint at the party. It will be then published in the Journal.
These are the rules to remember:
1: The post is from YOUR viewpoint only. You can involve Enterprise characters, plus other known races and figures, such as the Romulans, the Borg, Q, Lwaxana Troi, Seven, Jadzia Dax, Karena, Ensign Britney, T'Pol or make some up yourself. You can even include some bloggers that are likely to be there (see my Guest Quarters' list on my blog).
2: Remember that that this year, the event is taking placing in a representation of the Borg Cube on the Enterprise holodeck. The Borg drones will be doing the serving, and their band The Strolling Drones will be plaing the music. A special visitor will be the Alpha Borg Queen, leader of the entire race. Anything can happen. You are only limited by your imagination!
3: The length should be whatever you consider suitable.
4: Remember this is a family-friendly Journal, so take heed of what you write.
5: In accordance with Rule 4, I reserve the right to trim entries or not to publish them if I consider them unsuitable.
6: The closing date for entries is Wednesday 26th November.
7: Send your entries to: Captain Picard ( marking your entry 'Enterprise Christmas Party'. The E Mail address is also under 'Secure Channel' on my Journal page.
8: Don't forget to include your blog ID and your blog URL address so you can be credited.
9: If I get a substantial number of entries, I will be doing several posts together, to be changed daily from the 1st December onwards.
10: For any of those unsure of what their entry should look like, read some examples from last year's party in the December archives week commencing 3rd December, or the year before, week commencing 4th December.
Good luck, everybody!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Borg Queen's Warning (Part Two)
She said that Six and the Cylon race are making inroads into the outer rim of Borg space, with their eventual objective being the conquest of Sector 0:00:01, which is Earth.
"All right." I concede to the Queen, "So the Cylons are a threat. What can we do about it?"

"Are you suggesting we band together, Locutus?" the Queen says with a smile, "That would hardly be in keeping with the ways of our races, now would it?"
"So why did you warn me then?" I counter.
Honestly, it's like playing chess. The Queen is so cagey. She'd be a good diplomat, never wanting to admit anything.
"I bring you this from our glorious Leader, the Alpha Borg Queen herself. Should the Borg fail to stop them." she says, "The Cylons will come for the Federation next. They may already be conquering planets without your knowledge."
"Very well." I say, "I shall take your warning and proposal to Starfleet Headquarters. Somehow I do not think they will be too keen on having the Borg as allies."
"It will be your choice, Locutus." the Queen says, as she walks towards me, "Don't forget, even if Starfleet disagree, you and I can fight them together."
She holds her clammy hand on mine, and smiles.
Was she making a pass at me? Perhaps it's just my imagination.
"You may go for now, Locutus." the Queen says, "Look out for Six and her race. They could be anywhere. Oh, and don't forget, I'll be looking forward to dancing at the Enterprise Christmas Party."
There is a white flash, and I appear back on the Enterprise.
I tell the senior staff all what happened, although I cut out the part about the Queen holding my hand.
I think that's something they don't want to know!
Editor's Note: Don't forget that the Invite for the Enterprise Christmas Party has gone out. Look at the one printed earlier this week. It will also be republished this weekend.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Borg Queen's Warning (Part One)
I groaned.
"What does she want, Seven?" I asked.
"I am not authorised to tell you, Locutus." she replied, "She will grant you an audience in her Cube at 13:00."
"If this is about the Christmas Party." I say, "You can tell her that all arrangements have..."

"It is a more serious matter, Locutus!" Seven shouts, banging her fist on my desk so that my tea spills a little.
With the times almost 13:00, many of the senior staff are with me.
"Are you sure it's safe to go, Jean-Luc?" Bev asks me, "When you went on an earlier time, you were assimilated."
"I don't think that's likely to happen." I tell her, "I think the Borg are concerned about something."
"I wonder what?" comments Riker, "That the Christmas Party in which the Alpha Borg Queen is attending doesn't run smoothly?"
As he speaks, I feel myself dematerialising.

"Greetings, Locutus." the Borg Queen says, "Glad you could join me. Would you like some Earl Grey? I assimilated an expert in tea making, so you should enjoy it. Naturally, I know what you like owing to the time you were err... with us."
"You mean assimilated?" I say.
"Yes." she admits, "So sorry that you couldn't stay with us. Now I have an urgent matter that I need to discuss with you."
"The Alpha Borg Queen will be well taken care of at the Enterprise Christmas Party." I assure her.
"I'm not referring to that." the Queen says sharply, "I'm referring to Six and the Cylons."
Suddenly I feel very worried.
"Seven mentioned meeting a blonde woman named Six at the Artificial Life Forms Convention." I tell her, "She said that this Six person could be difficult."
"Well she's right, Locutus!" the Queen tells me, "Six turned up in a meeting of the Queens and our Leader. According to evidence, the Cylons, whom she is a humnan representation of, is making inroads into Borg space on the outer galaxy."
"I suppose we humans should be grateful." I say with a smile, "If something is capable of taking on the Borg, you will eventually be vanquished."
The Queen sighs, as if she has to say it all again to a six year old who can't figure it out.
"Locutus, you do not understand." she says patiently, "Six has told us all that the Cylons' prime objective is to reach Sector 0:00:01....Earth...and conquer all the planets in between. If some of the Borg cannot stop them in Borg space, what chance do YOU have?"
Suddenly a cold shiver runs down my spine, as if I have been in a Halloween Film Festival.
To be continued....
Editor's Note:
Don't forget to see the details for the Enterprise Christmas Party on the previous Post!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Official Enterprise Christmas Party Invitation!

This is your official invitation to the Enterprise Christmas Party that starts on Monday 1st December!
What I'm asking you to do is write a short post of what happens from your viewpoint at the party. It will be then published in the Journal.
These are the rules to remember:
1: The post is from YOUR viewpoint only. You can involve Enterprise characters, plus other known races and figures, such as the Romulans, the Borg, Q, Lwaxana Troi, Seven, Jadzia Dax, Karena, Ensign Britney, T'Pol or make some up yourself. You can even include some bloggers that are likely to be there (see my Guest Quarters' list on my blog).
2: Remember that that this year, the event is taking placing in a representation of the Borg Cube on the Enterprise holodeck. The Borg drones will be doing the serving, and their band The Strolling Drones will be plaing the music. A special visitor will be the Alpha Borg Queen, leader of the entire race. Anything can happen. You are only limited by your imagination!
3: The length should be whatever you consider suitable.
4: Remember this is a family-friendly Journal, so take heed of what you write.
5: In accordance with Rule 4, I reserve the right to trim entries or not to publish them if I consider them unsuitable.
6: The closing date for entries is Wednesday 26th November.
7: Send your entries to: Captain Picard ( marking your entry 'Enterprise Christmas Party'. The E Mail address is also under 'Secure Channel' on my Journal page.
8: Don't forget to include your blog ID and your blog URL address so you can be credited.
9: If I get a substantial number of entries, I will be doing several posts together, to be changed daily from the 1st December onwards.
10: For any of those unsure of what their entry should look like, read some examples from last year's party in the December archives week commencing 3rd December, or the year before, week commencing 4th December.
Good luck, everybody!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
TWQ: Events
What major events have you witnessed on tv or live, whether they were good or bad?
My answer is:
In May 1985, I was on vacation, and sat to watch the soccer European Cup Final between Liverpool and Juventus. Instead, the viewers saw carnage as riots broke out, bodies were carried out. 39 people were killed when a wall collapsed. Utter mayhem as played on the screen for about two hours live.
Now it's over to you...
But before you go...
The Enterprise Christmas Party Invite will be in the next Post. Don't miss it!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
The Borg And The Cylons (Part Two)

Guest Poster: The Borg Queen
The Conference Chamber at Borg HQ is a mass of confusion.
Our Leader, the Alpha Borg Queen, has given an audience to a representative of artificial creatures known as Cylons. Seven warned me that this person might be troublesome, but I didn't realise how much.
Six, the Cylon representative has informed all of us Queens that our way of life is coming to an end.
The first thing I thought of was that she wanted to ban Christmas parties.
"Why do we not just destroy you now?" shouts out the Troi Queen, "That would send a message to you creatures not to come around here again."

"If you wish to do that, you are welcome to." replies Six with a pitying smile, "I would merely be ressurected and downloaded into an identical body."
The Queens are amazed at this ability, and even our Leader is impressed.
"That is very interesting." the Alpha Borg Queen says to her, "But we have been kind enough to give you this audience. What evidence is there that your race is any threat to us?"
The atmosphere seems very tense, as if someone is about to light a match in a roomful of gas.
Six calls out to something from behind the stage.
"You can come out now."

A huge metallic creature strides towards Six and stands behind her. There are gasps of amazement from the seated Queens, as if they are watching a firework display. The creature has enough metal to keep a scrap merchant in business for years.
"This is Norman, my Centurian guardian." Six tells us. "Millions of these Cylons are attacking and taking over planets in the galaxy, incuding ones that were held by the Borg."
"The Borg do not lose planets!" the Alpha Borg Queen states defiantly, "We are supreme!"
"Oh really?" Six says with a hint of sarcasm, "What happened to Borg Sector 9.oo.99 on the outer rim of the galaxy?"
Our Leader looks embarrassed.
"Something happened. I am not sure." she says, "We did not get incoming reports."
"Here's an incoming report." Six snaps back, "The Cylons came through and wiped you out before you could do anything."
"What do you want?" our Leader says with a resigned air.
"We have a particular interest to acquire Earth in Sector 0:00:01" Six casually mentions, "As well as all the planets in the galaxy."
"The Federation are formidable opponents." the Alpha Borg Queen warns, "And so are we."
"That may well be." Six says with a smile.
She and Norman exit the stage, and our Leader turns to us.
"My Queens." she says, "I let Six go so she can get word of the situation. The Cylons may well be a threat to the Borg way of life, and, for that matter, any planet that we have not assimilated yet. We must all band together and drive them out."
With that, she leaves and I go get another ice cream to replace the one I dropped earlier.
Editor's note:
Mimi has sent me this meme (no pun intended). I have continued her theme of seven book facts about myself. I haven't passed on the rules as I don't intend to give it for people to do unless they want to.
1: One of the first intelligent books I read was Frankenstein by Mary Woolstonecraft Shelley.
2: I love historical fiction, with Philippa Gregory's The Other Boleyn Girl being the best. It is much better than the movie.
3: A book I abandoned because I disliked the characters so much was The Time Traveller's Wife.
4: The worst book I ever read was Patricia Cornwell's Blowfly. I was a biig fan before I read that book. I actually read it all, as I thought it would get better.
5: The weepiest book was The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Highly original.
6: Best book this year was The Host by Stephanie Meyer. A real page turner about an alien invasion narrated by the alien and the body of the woman she has taken over.
7: All time favourite book is Gustav Flaubert's Madame Bovary.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
The Borg And The Cylons (Part One)

Guest Poster: The Borg Queen
"Frankly, I fail to see what all the fuss is about." Queen 04 tells me as we talk in the staff powder room of the Borg home planet, "After all, we never grant an audience to any other races."
"Quite so, 04." I reply, "But Seven of Nine, my reprentative on the Federation starship Enterprise has sent me a warning that the race she encountered at the Artificial Life Form Convention might be serious trouble to our way of life."
"Indeed!" answers 04, "That is most surprising. The Borg are the dominant force in the galaxy. We aim to assimilate and eradicate all...."
"Yes, yes." I say, listening to the familiar rhetoric as I get a paper towel and wash my hands, "But when the person Seven encountered suddenly turns up at Borg HQ requesting an audience with the Alpha Borg Queen, red flags went up, and our Leader has demanded that Borg Queens be present when we hear what this creature has to say."
We both leave the powder room and head for the Conference Chamber. I groan when we meet Borg Queen 02, otherise known as the Troi Borg Queen.

"We should not waste our time here!" Troi snaps, "I have a race of beings to destroy. We should simply wipe out these...what are they? Cylons? And then be on our way."
"We need to be careful, Troi." I warn her, "This race might be more powerful than first thought. If they choose to come right into the centre of Borg territory, they must think they have the ability to leave."
Troi snorts with derision. She has always thought herself superior, having come from a universe where the Borg reign supreme."
"We are Borg!" she says defiantly, "Resistance is futile."
I agree, but I like to see the enemy first.
In the Conference Chamber, we all sit in our seats marked with our Cube numbers. After I have some ice cream from the drone seller, we wait for our Leader to arrive.
She arrives on the stage in a multitude of flashing green lights.

"Greetings my Queens." she announces, "I am announcing a representative from the race known as Cylons so that she may speak to us."
"Why do we allow this?" the Troi Queen shouts, nearly dropping her ice cream, "We are the Borg, and reign supreme."
"You will be silent!" orders our Leader, "Indeed we are supreme, but we always listen to others...before we destroy them."
Everyone seems satified at this.
"Now." our Leader says, "Welcome on the stage, the Cylon representative named Six."

A gorgeous blonde in the shape of a human glides on to the stage. Some of the Queens look in awe, Troi looks in seething hatred.
"Welcome, Six." our Leader says to her, "What have you got to tell us?"
"Thank you for giving me the chance to speak." Six says to her, "I am here to tell you all that your way of life is coming to an end. The Cylons are here."
This time, it's me that drops my ice cream.
To be continued...
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Christmas Party Updates
"As Halloween is now over." I start, ""We ought to look forward to Christmas and making sure everything is running according to schedule."

"Do what?" snorts Worf, "It seems like the Borg are controlling the procedings this year. We ought.."
"There is nothing wrong with that!" snaps Seven of Nine, "The Borg are supreme organisers. With our Hive Mind anything can ba accomplished."
Worf looks disgusted.
"I don't see why we have to kowtow to them?" asks Jadzia, "Just because their leader wants to come."
"The Alpha Borg Queen." is the leader of our race." Seven says angrily, "You should feel honoured that that such a mighty being has lowered herself to come to visit such a puny ship."
Phew! Seven sure knows how to make friends. I think it's time to diffuse the row that is brewing.
"Let's move on." I say, "Now the theme of the Party this year is that a holodeck will be made to look like a Borg Cube, with a specially prepared dance area. Do they have those in normal Cubes, Seven?"

"Only when we have something to celebrate, Locutus." she replies, "Like having just assimilated an entire planet. We have a high old time then."
I'm not sure she is telling the truth or just showing some Borg humour.
"Err yes, well." I continue, "Well, as you know, the Alpha Borg Queen will we making a special visit. We want to show her that we are a civilised race..."
"...Worthy of assimilation?" butts in Ensign Britney. Her comment incites a few to murmur words of agreement.
"What about the guests, Jean-Luc?" whispers Bev, in an attempt to help me.
"Ah yes, the guests." I swiftly say, "Now the invites will be going out in mid-November for the Party that will commence on Monday 1st December."
"I hope we won't have any problems with them." complains Worf, "Last year, some of them were from the 21st Century and I had to put some of them in the brig. It interfered with the temporal directive and we got into trouble for that."
"Yes, we will have to be careful." I say, "And Mr Worf, you will NOT be allowed to imprison the Alpha Borg Queen. It's a diplomatic visit and would mean the end of the human race if you did."
Everyone mumbles a little.
"All right then." I say, "I think that's all for now."
On the way out, I still hear Jadzia talking to Worf saying "There's gonna be trouble."
Saturday, November 01, 2008
TWQ: Annoying Things
What are the sort of things that annoy you or get you in a bad mood? List as many as you wish.
My answers are:
* As the soccer teams come out on the field, the tv companies show some adverts and return just in time for the kick-off. We always miss the toss, getting ready etc.
* With an advert that comes on the radio, the announcer always rushes in the phrase 'terms and conditions apply' in the hope the listener doesn't hear it.
* Every two weeks, the health & safety people look under everybody's desk in my office to see if it is safe from hanging wires and bags.
Now it's over to you...