Guest Poster: Annika Hansen
Well, after the fun I've had at the Enterprise Christmas Party, anything that happens here in Unimatrix Zero will seem an anti-climax.
I was surprised to be temporarily released from this subconcious realm that Borgs can inhabit if they possess the recessive gene. Dr Katelyn Shane Basil is a good friend, and I hope I can see her again in the future. What irony that she is the repressed alter-ego of Sky, who is the best friend of my other self, Seven of Nine! It looks like we have a bond in both our personalities with the same person.
Anyway, now the Party is over, and I'm back in Unimatrix Zero, where Christmas preparations are going on. The main tree in the jungle clearing is decorated with lights, and one of the nearby caves is being used as Santa's Grotto.
One of the Klingons who moved into the area recently has volunteered to play Santa, but we at the Women's Institute think they could be a little scary. After all, the chidren run away from them normally, and only go near the cave where they live as a dare at Halloween.
I'm baking my upside-down cake for the Unimatrix Zero Women's Institute Benefit Party. I'm hoping it will raise a lot of money, as my cake style is one of the most sought after.
There's one thing for sure; I won't be buying and Christmas presents for that deadbeat Axum this year.

Since I found he was having assignations with that Bajoran girl Vi Toran, I want nothing to do with him. Let Toran use her own Unimatrix Zero Credit Card to buy him presents.
"Hello, Annika." says a voice.
I turn around. It is Kollis, the Klingon who moved in next door.

"I hadn't seen you recently." he says.
"I went to a Christmas Party in the outside world." I tell him.
"How fascinating." replies Kollis, "You must tell me about it sometimes. I have a gift for you."
He hands me a small box, and asks me to open it now, rather than wait until the 25th.
I open it, and find it contains a bracelet and mistletoe.
"I noticed a lot of mistletoe at the Party I went to." I say, "Couples are encouraged to kiss beneath it. Thank you, Kollis."
"I knew about this tradition." he replies, "I hoped it would be useful here."
"Of course," I say, and step forward to kiss him, which I find very pleasant.
"Perhaps we can move into the same cave sometimes?" Kollis suggests.
Whew! Klingons are known to be forward, aren't they?
"I don't think so." I tell him firmly, "After what happened with Axum, I'm staying clear of men."
"Whatever you say." Kollis comments with a smile, "However, a Klingon warrior never gives up."
This looks like being a good Christmas here at Unimatrix Zero!
Never underestimate the power of a Klingon warrior or mistletoe!!
Klingons are a lot like saiyans huh? Except for the whole ridge thingie on their heads.
Awww the first blossom of love :)
Wow! Things are heating up in Unimatrix Zero aren't they.
I think Annika is made of sterner stuff than to fall for the first Klingon that comes knocking at her door.
Yes that is for sure well maybe if it's just the right klingon eh ;) should be fun this christmas.
Wow! A guest blogger! Great stuff JLP.
Michele sent me!
Michele sent me to pass on my apologies for missing the Enterprise Christmas Party. I was very busy recently and didn't have time get in touch.
The festive season is a time to make up and forget grudges, let's hope that happens here.
Wow, I am learnign new things. I never knew Klingons had such a soft side to them. Must be the spriit of Christmas taking over.
So, if all Klingons are persistent, are some more persistent than others? :)
Michele sent me to check out what was going on in Unimatrix Zero.
I am so glad we became friends..
I am sure we will have lots of adventures together
Intriguing to say the least. Definitely unique, glad I found this!
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