Guest Poster: Lwaxana Troi
Well, I'll tell you that these ambassadorial meetings I have to go are so boring! Those people who I meet have about as much personality as a block of wood.
I'm hoping this one won't be so bad. I'm going with Ambassador Spock to the planet Kalara to help sort out the civil war problems they have had over the years. Their addition would be good for the Federation.
Ah, there is always something in it for us!
I know what you're thinking, lovies. Ambassador Spock isn't the sort of man with a bright and breezy personality. Well, I've checked into his past, and being only a half Vulcan, I'm sure he can become very friendly.
Who knows. A Vulcan and a Betazoid could be a good match.
There I am, thinking ahead of myself! Why do I see everybody as a potential husband for myself. I guess it's because I've been urging my daughter Deanna to tie the knot with Will.
Anyway, the Ambassador and I are going in the shuttle Columbus to Kalara. I have met him many times, of course. Oddly enough, he always seem to shy away.
Hold on, here he comes now. Don't tell him what we've been talking about. Promise?

"Greetings, Ambassador Lwanana." he says in that formal manner of his, "I'm sure together, we will be able to have some positive results on Kalara."
"I'm hoping for some before that." I say slyly.
"I do not understand, Ambassador Lwaxana." Spock tells me with a puzzled look.
"Don't worry about it, Spock, honey." I tell him, "Let's drop the calling each other 'Ambassador' routine. We've got a long flight ahead of us to Kalara"
I give him a big kiss, to which he responds with in a typical Vulcan style.
He doesn't do anything.
Several hours later, Spock is still just as he was. I thought a little Klingon bloodwine might help, but it doesn't help.
Am I losing my man-magnet touch, or have I just picked the wrong one here?
Suddenly we hear the sound of a noise behind us. Three armed aliens appear behind us.
"You are Ambassadors Lwaxana and Spock?" the lead one says, "You were going to Kalara to forge a piece initiative? We cannot allow that to happen. We see ourselves as the victors in the civil war. The other side must lose."
"We are here to help." Spock says as he walks up to one before knocking the Kalaran out with a Vulcan nerve clench.
Too late, though, Spock gets knocked out for his troubles and we get beamed off.
Somehow, I don't think this is going to end in the way I hoped for!
To be continued...
Lwaxana's problem is that she is a highly illogical woman and doesn't understand that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one! Perhaps a Vulcan Mind Meld is in order for her to understand these things?
Poor Spock ... I really feel for the guy in this adventure!
Let's see the choices for Spock: On the one side -- civil war, terrorists, possible death -- and, on the other, Lwaxana, a terrifying prospect, and possibly a fate worse then death....
Hmmmmmm. What to choose, what to choose?
Being a captive would have been bad enough but now Spock has to be captured TOGETHER with Lwaxana. Poor Guy!
Oh dear, poor Spock and Lwaxana!
I'm sure Lwaxana would ebjoy a Vulcan Mind Meld!
I gotta agree with the Curmudgeon. Spock doesn't have a lot of good options here.
Can't stop, just called in to say I have photos of 'The Swan' on my blog now.....
poor Spock, though he probably could use a love interest.
Yep, the Curmudgeon called this one right. I think Spock will be better off throwing in his lot with the armed aliens...
Let's hope Spock can sort himself out here.
Mistress of the Dark, we all need a love interest, especially this time of year.
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