The senior staff are all in the holodeck dressed as members of Captain Kirk's 23rd Century Enterprise. Foolishly, we directed the controls in here as well, to create the authenticity of it.
We were all having a good time until something went wrong with the computers and locked us in the holodeck. Not only that, but a hostile ship is on it's way to meet us.
"Well we still have control of the galaxy-class Enterprise that the holodeck is part of, don't we?" Riker asks me, while wearing his Spock outfit plus false ears.
"Yes, Number One." I reply, "But the weapons of our Enterprise will not comply with those on the panels of this Bridge."
"Are you saying we're defenceless?" Deanna says with increduality.
"I'm afraid so, Counselor." I reply, "T'Pol, open a channel to the ship, maybe we can talk our way out of this."
T'Pol, in her role as Communications Officer Lieutenant Uhura snorts with derision and mumbles about the situation would not have happened in the mirror universe of the Terran Empire, where she comes from.

"There is an open channel from the ship." she informs me, "The screen will come on now."
As it does, we see the image of a very reptilian-like Captain. He looks aggressive and troublesome. I introduce myself and the ship.
"I am Captain Varg of the Gorva Empire. You will surrender your vessel and prepare for boarding." he starts, "My crew will take over and you will..."
He stops and looks at us, then bursts out laughing.
"What is this?" he says as the laughter gets louder, "You all look as if you are in a hundred year old Starfleet vessel. You, Captain Picard, have a torn shirt and are wearing a hairpiece. Your second-in-command is wearing some large stick-on-ears. As for your Bridge, it looks ridiculous. Not only that, the females are wearing dated miniskirts. Hey, Zarg! Look at this!"
Captain Varg's second-in-command comes to the screen to take a look.
"What is it, Captain?" he says, then looks at us, "Ah...ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!"
Both of them are laughing away, and eventually wipe away their tears to call members of the other crew to watch, who all fall about laughing."

"I do not like to feel humiliated." states Worf angrily.
"I know what you mean, Mr Worf." I tell him as I throw my Captain Kirk hairpiece on the floor. Unfortunately, this causes the Gorvans to laugh even louder.
"With Varg and Zarg distracted." suggests Data, "We may be able to get away from them."
"That's true, Mr Data, "Set a course at 180.2 at Warp Nine."
The Enterprise vanishes away from them swiftly; after about half an hour, the computer anomoly is repaired and we manage to get out of the holodeck.
We change into our regular uniforms, glad to leave those of the 23rd Century behind us.
"It looks like I won't be someone's love interest for this week." complains Britney.
Maybe we should have beamed her over; that would have frightened them.
"Do you think aliens ever laughed at Captain Kirk in the last Century." Geordi asks me as we walk through the corridors.
"I don't think they would dare, Mr LaForge." I answer, "He tended to use a photon torpedo as a method of greeting them. here in the 24th Century, we just get laughed at!"