Saturday, May 29, 2010

TWQ: Seven Days

TWQ (the Weekend Question) looks at what we've been doing in the previous week.

What interesting or unusual things happened to you in the last seven days? List as many as you wish.

My answer is:

Last Sunday, while we were travelling, a small truck bumped into the back of the car. It just dented the back light, and no one was injured. A witness saw it was the truck driver's fault. The car is still driveable, but we get a complimentary car next week while it isd being repaired.

Now it's over to you...


pilgrimchick said...

My boyfriend travels for work, regularly being away up to four months at a time. He was slated to fly out on Tuesday, and since his flight was scheduled for around 7 at night, I planned on going to work for a few hours to take care of several morning commitments first, and later, visit him at his home to help him pack, drive him to the airport, and see him off. Then, I get a call in the office--his flight had been rescheduled late the night before--now he was leaving at 2 in the afternoon. I couldn't see him before he left because of the change. Ugh. Bad luck.

Susan said...

I've found out that my spinning wheel, Molly, may not be a flax wheel as we first thought. But she could be build in the Shetland tradition of small wheels that are compact for use in small Shetland cottages.

Well I thought it was interesting.

Husband and I celebrated 27 years of marriage yesterday.

Linda said...

The only thing out of the ordinary last week was that we broke a record for the hottest day since August of 1993 on Wednesday. It was 99 degrees which is way too hot for May! I could do without that kind of out of the ordinary thank you!

Unknown said...

Just reminding good friends like you that my new blog address is:

Insist on genuine parts (not off market)! :)

GILLYMAY said...

This week I was thrilled to find an antique brooch in a charity shop. It was in a box with lots of junk jewellery marked up at £1.00 per item. I'm now selling it on Ebay and I'll give the profits back to Oxfam.
'Arts & Crafts Ruskin pottery brooch'
Grab yourself a bargain!

Ellee Seymour said...

I visited a beautiful garden at the weekend and the owner is a descendant of one of Guy Fawkes' fellow conspirators, and I went to an Indian themed party at the weekend where a fried was raising money for tsunami victims.

Unknown said...

Had to call the police when I spotted a 19 year old couple having a verbal argument. Two police cruisers showed up. They spent 30 minutes discussing the situation with the moron boyfriend, then called me to say it was resolved. It was escalating to the point where I felt uncomfortable. Glad I called!