Saturday, August 29, 2009

TWQ: Inventions Of The Future I Want Now

TWQ (The Weekend Question) takes a look into the future to ask what inventions you would like now.

What futuristic inventions would you like to see now? List as many as you wish and be as weird as you like!

My answers are:

* A robot housekeeper

*Flying cars

* Holographic tv

* Teleporter

Now it's over to you...


Mia Myka said...

Hi,saw your comment on netchick's meet n greet comment page.

have great weekend :)

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Yeah, where's my flying car?

I could use a robot housekeeper, too.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

what about a time traveling machine?
better health diagnostic machine?
cure for cancer!

smiles, bee

Amanda said...

In anticipation of what I'll be going through next year, I want diapers that either change themselves or have some sort of clean-as-baby-wears-them mechanism in built.

Amber said...

*Flying cars
*Space travel
*Time travel
*House cleaning robots
*Astromech droids :)

Vivian Hh said...

Teleportation is a must!(and this includes space travel, time travel, no limits)
A Health-producer. An analyzer, regulator and stabilizer of all body & mental functions.

John A Hill said...

My wife definitely wants a food replicator. I would like a transporter or at the very least, flying cars.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

A food replicator seems to be very popular. I'll put my order in for one.


Ah, Jean-Luc. Definitely a teleporter. Then I could go anywhere my heart desires...Blessings!

Unknown said...

a.) A bank account resembling Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

b.) A new SUV, horse and horse trailer.

c.) A house.

d.) Jenifer Aniston.

That's about it. I like to keep my list humble! ;->

Heather Dugan ("Footsteps") said...

Yes, I'm with you on the more efficient transportation and the robotic housekeeper (heaven!). If she cooks? I'm good for the next century or so...

eastcoastlife said...

A flying car and a robo housekeeper would be awesome inventions!