Bev and I are stuck in the holodeck, which at the moment is not working. She has her red bikini on, and I have my Speedo micro swimming trunks on. We went in with the program to laze on Copacabana beach, but the
Enterprise did the inevitable and passed through a cloud that has affected all the electrical programs.
As a result, the two of us are sitting in the black room of the holodeck waiting for the program to come back on.
"Well what do we do now, Jean-Luc." asks Bev as we sit in our sunbathing gear, "I mean this is all very well for the beaches of Brazil, but I feel a right idiot in this black room."
"I'll try and get through to Riker and see what's going on." I tell her.
I go back to the Arch and try and get through. The speech is crackling, like it usually is when the system has gone haywire.
"Haven't you fixed it yet, Number One?" I ask, "Bev and I are waiting to sample a holographic ice cream on the Copacabana Beach."

"We're free of the cloud now, Captain." he says through all the noise, "We're trying to repair all the damaged applications, though it may take some time. The holodeck should restore itself in a moment, though."
I go back to Bev, who starts putting suncream on herself. I smile and help her with it.
"Back to Copacabana!" I say and we both laugh.
The holodeck starts to flicker, and the program comes on.

We find ourselves lying in snow. Bev screams out.
"JEAN-LUC!" she yells, "I'm freezing!"
"So am I!" I reply, and rush over to the Arch.
"Number One!" I shout, "We are either in the arctic or an ice planet, yet we just have skimpy swimming outfits on! Stop it now!"
"I'll try and pull the plug." he tells us, and a few seconds later, we are shivering in a black room.
"Next time I want to lie in the sun." comments Bev, "We'll go to a REAL beach, and not on powered by the
Enterprise. Can't we get beamed out?"
"Riker has said that the transporter is taking some time to repair, as is the doorway." I tell her, "Every time a crewman has tried to burn the door down, he gets struck by an electrical charge."
We get a signal from the Arch, and I go over to listen to Riker.
"We can't get you out yet, sir." he tells me, "But I have thought of an idea. The door needs to be repaired from within. Only a hologram can do it, so we're sending in the holographic doctor."
To be continued...----------------
Editors Note:

Mimi of The Queen's Meme has sent this in....
The Queen's Meme No 9...The W Meme
Welcome to The Queen's Meme #9.
Step out of the box. Be creative. Have fun!
And please, stay out of the dungeon.
It's getting really crowded in there.
The Who, What, When, Where, Why Would You Meme
Who ....
is easy to love? The people at the office who make up my monthly pittance
do you just wanna smack? those that take the tax off the above
do you trust? if it was Thanksgiving, and I was a turkey, it wouldn't be the farmer.
do you talk to when you're alone? this is beginning to sound like a psychiatrist to his wrong word and I'm in the rubber room.
dangerous things do you do while driving? driving would be the most dangerous, as I can't drive...look out pedestrians!
are you allergic to? people who ask "What are you allergic to?"
is Satan's last name? Why? Do you want to look in the phone book?
is the last thing that moved you? My boss when she said "You're going to another desk."
is the freakiest thing in your house? The man-eating twelve foot plant (that'll keep the burglars away!)
is it time to turn over a new leaf? Perhaps you ought to ask Adam & Eve that one?
will you be all that you can be? When you're pushing up the daisies!
is enough enough? When it's written down, written down
do you go to the dark side? Oh, sorry! I thought this WAS the dark side.
are your pants? If I'm not wearing them, then what will you be imagining??
is your last will and testament? It's under the......ah, nearly said it then!
is your junk food stash? In the 'reject' pile of the local McDonald's
is Carmen Sandiego? The police are currently digging up the garden and questioning all suspects.
Why..... was the Lone Ranger alone? He never applied on eHarmony
was The Scarlet Letter scarlet? Because it had been red!
are musicians sexy and plumbers not? Have you tried to play music on a copper pipe?
are there no seat belts on school buses? Come to think of it, why are there no gags to keep them quiet, either?
Would you....
swim the English Channel for a doughnut and coffee? If not that, what? It would take a lot more than a stale doughnut and yukky coffee to make me swim over 20 miles in cold water. Lady Hightower might persuade me.
forgive someone who deliberately hurt you? Not if they used a high powered machine gun.
rather believe a lie if it hurt you less than the truth? No one believes "I'm working late at the office." anymore!
you still be alive if you were sucked out of an airplane window? Would you just float around in space for while? I don't think it did Goldfinger a lot of good when he was sucked out of the plane.