For all those in a job interview, TWQ (the Weekend Question) asks others to supply questions not to ask the interviewer
What questions would it be unwise to ask the interviewer in a job interview? List as many as you wish.
My answers are:
* Do the female employees wear mini skirts?
* How many sick days am I entitled to?
* What time do you get off work, as I'd like to ask you out.
Now it's over to you...
How soon can I get a day off?
Are you allowed to drink during work hours?
How often do you give pay rises?
Do you serve sweeties and chocolates and tea?
One thing about being your own boss is that I often have sweeties with my tea :)
Does this job include French benefits?
"I don't mean to be rude, but has anyone remarked that you bear a striking resemblance to a young Raquel Welch? Why don't we discuss it over drinks?" :D)
Far-out, baby...
as is the premise
of our blogOwamma
IF you believe...
God bless you.
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